[center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/180519/8759f043dbf163a022aee8c3395d04cd.png[/img][/center] Luirae followed after the rest of the crew making their way to the Phoenix but instead of entering the establishment like many of the others, she decided to wander close by. She had no doubt that the place would hold useful information but when you are trying to catch an evasive object, you need a wide net. The scanners didn’t all need to be located in one position in her opinion because it ran the risk of possibly being spotted should multiple devices go off at once or worse, trapped in the location while the culprit was just passing on by. In her mind, if she had been the one to break out of jail then the last thing she would want to do is the obvious. This criminal could bend in, better than anyone from the description provided so why not make it a needle in a haystack. They might want to have a drink or stay in the scum but wouldn’t that be too easy for anyone searching? They had to know this, right? She knew that she could be giving them too much credit but on the chance she was right, it never hurt to be safe than sorry. It was one of the reasons she was close enough that if things went down in the bar, she could get into action but also far enough away that she could scan further out and call for backup should the need arise. Rae took on the part of explorer and tourist, stopping at the stalls to [i]admire[/i] items for sale or chatting a bit with the locals as to not draw anymore attention then she probably already did. If she looked like just another crew passing on through and was excited to see what the place held then maybe she could be ignored by the one they were hunting. It would also give her a chance to see if anyone new or even a local was doing the same thing or bulking up on items for a trip. It was a long shot but it was better to try as many options as possible.