[center] [hr][hr] [img]https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/666349667667148850/683028992701366290/Dawn.png[/img][/center] [hr][hr] Dawn giggled to herself as she noticed Raymond trying to rid himself of the ants she put in his pants. But trying to do it on the down low. After a moment he finally relaxed… She narrowed her eyes. No fun. Shrugging she pulled a blow pop sucker from her pocket and popped it into her mouth after yanking the wrapper off. Stripper boi mentioned about not being a stripper or pervert… [color=#CF2323]”That’s exactly what a stripper and pervert would say…” [/color] She said absentmindedly as she pulled out her phone and quickly typed a text and quickly took a selfie with a peace symbol and a big grin. Making sure to get a full shot of her costume that Sana never saw before. [i][color=#CF2323]Got my hero outfit! I also can’t wait to shoot someone with these guns! mwahaha.[/color][/i] She sent it and slipped her phone back into her pocket right before the teachers came and moved them inside. Dawn got excited at seeing Ms. Martenelle. She knew her well as she was friends with her bestest most favorite hero. She was cool in her own right. But when they stopped and saw the rest of the teachers she froze. Getting so excited she totally missed everything Martenelle said. Deadeye. That was her favorite hero. She was so cool and confident with her real own style, blasing her own path basically. She didn’t care who she pissed off but got the job done. By herself or with Ballistica, or the hero group Valkyries. A military based group of women who used guns along with their quirks. Her two handed pistol style inspired her to use two herself. Well pepperspray guns...but that’s because she wasn’t old enough to actually OWN pistols yet...She tried to get Keri’s attention but to no avail. She was already off and pairing up with Renard and and Chi. Wait wat? She suddenly looked around to see others paring up but before she could say anything a boy she didn’t know came up to her. Her mouth hung open slightly, the blowpop dangerously tipping on the edge of her lip. As she was confused why this guy was saying he was excited to work with them… then it clicked, it was going to be a team battle thingy...but wait...who was the two… She Groaned when she heard Steven right behind her. Why WHY. KERI GETS TO BE WITH RENARD AND NOT HER?! Her head fell forward and looked defeated for some reason. She sighed and looked over to Steven as he spoke to her and blinked once. Wait. WHY WAS SHE STUCK WITH THE STRIPPER DUO! [color=#CF2323]”Call me ms, one more time I'll use your face as target practice..” [/color] she said to him shortly before looking back at Tomka as she plucked her blowpop from her mouth and held it between two fingers. [color=#CF2323]”I’m Dawn. That’s the ‘bondage hero’ stripper boi. He uses chains that come from his body. You can see why he’s the bondage hero. [/color] She said while motioning to Steven. With out giving Steven a chance to retort she pointed to herself. [color=#CF2323] “I can create animals of light. I can use them for recon, distraction, attack or defence..”[/color] After popping her blow pop back into her mouth she placed her hands on the grips of her guns. Putting all her weight on one leg in a semi pose.[color=#CF2323]”I also use these bad boi’s to shoot pepper spray balls. Sure to leave welt as well as blind any sucker hit with these. “ [/color] She then asked. [color=#CF2323] “So what do you do..build walls or somthin?”[/color] [hr] [center][hr][hr] [url=https://youtu.be/VBlaWzMiZYwhttps://fontmeme.com/celtic-fonts/][img]https://fontmeme.net/permalink/190418/f8effdc60881f3e0da857f2be3b34577.png[/img][/url] [hr][hr] [/center] Renard nodded as Keri mentioned that his Arc weld could be used against their opponents as well. He had thought of that as well, there were a few times he blinded himself as well as his father on accident. Chi then brought up he knew basic self defense...as well as the fact he bleeds more than usual. Which made sense to Renard why he didn’t focus on fighting. But he had offered up being a distraction. He folded his arms and rubbed his chin as he thought about it. Keri added onto the idea of sneaking around behind the other group. Only thing was...if he was to be the distraction and keri was to flank what was his role? [color=BCC127]”If you’re confident enough to do so, I don’t see the issue with it. We could use it to funnel the other group into a trap. You gain their attention and lead them back to me, while i give them a surprise counter attack and block them from getting to you, Keri could be on the other side of the road where she can see everything to either help you or appear behind the other group while they are focused on them.”[/color] he motioned his hand in a way to show he was adding onto the idea given. [color=BCC127]”However, if that plan fails. We can revert to you guys pulling back while I keep them busy. Hopefully long enough that I can blind them and we can flank them once again.[/color] he added with a confident tone. even if he couldn't blind them all, he could hold off the others if needed. going back to her question on if everything was ok with them. Clearly hinting at the major things that happened the week or so before for him, and what ever held chi up as well. He was ok for the most part memories of his mother came more often now... but all that blood on his hands... he just glad she couldn’t see his raw hands. [color=7bcdc8][i]”Be brave for... your father and sister.[/i][/color] His fist clenched for a split second. Putting on a brave face he smiled. [color=BCC127]“ I’m fine. My leg doesn’t cramp anymore so I’m raring to go. You know, you being all motherly really suits you. Makes you like 10 times cuter.”[/color]