[@Ithradine] If you're still intending on the elf I'll need to give you the details. Then again elves aren't completely unknown. So I can sum it up here. Elves are exceedingly rare but not extinct. Their home is unknown and the only elves people ever see are ones separated from their clans. Elves are an ancient race with highly dense mana flowing through their bodies giving them natural resistance to near immunity to disruptive or altering magicks like poison and confusion, but also the cost of magic to elves is trivial. Since you're a student, you'll likely be an elf under protection of someone within the school, someone who is separated from their clan, or the child of one who was separated. Your protector is either assigned, or is your guardian from the magical world. The rare biology of elves make them a very tempting subject, usually for extraction of their blood which is incredibly rich in mana, and has special properties in alchemy. An elf from a hidden clan will be the focus of one arc.