"Sense is always the first step. For now, lets try Alter." said Adam, trying to quote Obi-wan as best as he could. Adam pulled out his lightsaber and laid it on the floor in front of him and Kijani. "Now, reach out just like before. Think of the space between you and the lightsaber. When you are ready, try to lift it. It took Adam a long time to get to do this lesson the when he was a student. In his defense, though, he was very young. It's possible that Kijani might be able to do much better than him. It was just a matter of patience and self-awareness. Would Obi-wan be upset if Adam trained kept training Kijani like this? His own training wasn't finished. On the other hand, the galaxy needed Jedi, and having one more couldn't hurt. At least, that's what he hoped.