[h1]The Lifeblood[/h1] The Lifeblood fell dormant. It still spanned unfathomable stretches of time and space, creation but an urge away, yet it remained still. Time passed. Oraelia and Gibbou grew closer, then farther, but there was no true way of telling time's passage, save for watching the ants crawl and the waters flow. It was.... disconcerting, in a way. Should not the days and nights pass in more notable a way? To make life ever more varied? An idea began to form in all its swirling essence. Time needed more meaning, more ways of being observed. Newly inspired, it set out to find the perfect place to exert its will. Towards the southeast of the World Anchor, surrounded by endless green growing things, the Lifeblood began to work. It called forth yet more trees: jacarandas with drooping purple blossoms, cherry trees that bloomed in clouds of ethereal pink, apple serviceberries that practically glowed with their silvery bark and white petals, magnolias and eastern redbuds, dogwoods, crepe myrtles and pink trumpet trees. It was a forest where time passed easily, shifting from deep green to various pinks, purples, and whites as the trees changed over time. When Oraelia was at her brightest, many would be full and vibrant, filling the woods with indescribably wonderful floral scents. And when she grew dimmer and colder, the trees, too, would be subdued, dropping their flowers and blanketing the soil with a carpet of warm and cool colors. But what of when they were laden with blossoms? Would the ground remain brown and dead? Surely not. Another flex of its will, and the ground burst forth with wildflowers, so deep and thick that the alkaline soil beneath could not be seen. Bluebonnets, asters, lupines, wolfsbane, coneflowers, and poppies all sprung up in an instant, crowding around the trees, taller and deeper than many animals could see over. So too sprang a crystal clear river, wending its way through the woods in erratic branches, providing water to the new trees. It was a true paradise. Already, songbirds from elsewhere in Torran had come to visit the new trees, with some even gathering up branches to make nests. Something twisted in the Lifeblood, spurned by a dozen spiteful voices. It had created, but it had created too well. This would be but another forgettable paradise on a continent of plenty. Though beautiful, it would spawn no new, interesting lifeforms. They would grow fat and indolent. The pristine waters pulsated, darkening to blood-red in their newfound iron, salt, and sulfur content, so potent that anything that drank from it would perish. The brilliant trees grew even more brilliant in their saturation, their beautiful inflorescence each now possessing enough toxins to fell a Big-Prickly. The trees curled and warped, taking skeletal shapes into their branches and roots, which now snaked below the surface in a way that would fell and injure the unwary. As the birds took flight in alarm, the Lifeblood felt a sudden regret. Did it really want a pocket of deadly beauty incapable of supporting animals entirely? No. Each bird that fought to escape found itself falling and changing. Some fell as minute frogs, which populated the poisonous waters with poison of their own, absorbed into their brightly colored skin to deter predators. Others became tinier still, the size of acorns, with long beaks and longer tongues designed to harvest the toxic nectar, and wings that beat near the speed of sound. The descending feathers turned to russet bees, equally capable of surviving off the deadly flowers, creating an equally potent honey of their own. And of the largest birds, the raptors that had taken up residence in the greatest trees, it created stocky, surly mammals, with sharp beaks and a shiny blend of feathers and fur to allow them to resemble the silver trunks around them. These owlbears would serve as a final deterrent to any unworthy invaders of the poisoned forest. Only the truly adaptable and clever would be allowed to reside here, in this world of fatal grandeur. From the headwaters of the red spring came salamanders, salmon with orange pigments, and an abundance of red algae. Microscopic bugs and teeny worms proliferated through the acidic soil, their bodies designed to metabolized all the potent dangers around them. But many of these animals crucial to the ecosystem were to remain small and unseen. Whoever or whatever first discovered this place would do so to see nought but beautiful colors and absolute silence. They would not see a frog, bird, fish, or owlbear. All were camouflaged, nocturnal, and quiet, and all would convey the feeling of an empty, dead environment. It would be the ultimate test of survival, to find the life in the forest. Seeing that all was good in this new, technicolor wood, the Lifeblood moved on. [hider=Summary] The Lifeblood realizes that there are no real ways to tell the seasons apart, and creates a beautiful forest of trees with purple and pink blossoms that help tell the seasons apart- some bloom in "Spring", some in "Summer", some even in "Fall", and all die in the winter. But upon realizing that there are many other biomes of equal beauty, the Lifeblood gets annoyed, and decides to make everything extremely poisonous, so that only smart and adaptable beings, or the ones already tailored for the poison, are able to survive there. It is designed to be a future test for sapient life to learn how to deal with. [/hider] [hider=MP Summary] Lifeblood (Fe'ris) 4MP/0DP Free- create an ecosystem 4MP/0DP [/hider]