[@Milkman] Gotcha, we can assume either way that the Skekarii delegation is coming via ship I think. Are all three monarchs expected to be there, or would the Akron just want one or two? I'm curious how aware the Akron are of the dynamics of their vassals. Actually now that I'm thinking I'm kinda curious how nobility/monarchs from our countries are treated? I know the Arkron consider our races, the Skekarii, the Saa'leed, etc. to be inferior by default, but does it work in a similiar race to how the Spanish saw native nobility? I mean, obviously we're considered far beneath the Arkron monarch and I'd imagine still pretty far beneath a native major noble, but would Queen Hastor, for example, be considered on the same par as a minor Arkron noble, just with the special status of representing a dominion, or would their treatment be different? Also, can I make a few edits to my NS and run those by you? I have a couple things that I want to flesh out a bit more. [@Trinais] Would you mind if I mentioned Aegeire in my country's history section?