[hr][hr][center][img]https://i.postimg.cc/FKJKRczH/the-gifted-591b350cc9ba7.png[/img][hr][img]https://i.postimg.cc/sD5dWMbb/source.gif[/img][/center][hr][hr][center][@Nallore][@FantasyChic][@BlueSky44][@Achronum][@Trainerblue192][@KazAlkemi][@Framing A Moose][/center][hr][center][h3][color=f7941d][b]Washington D.C.: September 10th, 2020 - 2:45 PM[/b][/color][/h3][/center][hr][hr][center][img]https://i.postimg.cc/WpKJC0mt/image.png[/img][/center][hr][color=f7941d][b]Outside Shaw Industries...[/b][/color] Polaris arched an eyebrow at Max, wondering what he was playing at. Everything about him was extreme. [color=A9F8C7]"Sure, kid,"[/color] she ended up answering. [color=A9F8C7]"Try not to set anything on fire,"[/color] she then added. Once they reached the bottom floor, she exited the building, immediately seeing the large crowds marching for Stryker. They were bearing anti-mutant signs and wore Purifier shirts. They had megaphones and little kids raised up into the air. [color=A9F8C7]"Fucking Christ..."[/color] Polaris cursed. She quickly made her way over to the nearest alley, trying her best to keep her head down so that way her green hair wouldn't attract too much unwanted attention. Just as she was about to open up the sewer grate so they could descend down into the tunnels, a rock flew at her and hit her in the back. "Hey, you!" a voice in a crowd jeered. "You aren't welcome here, fucking mutie scum!" Polaris turned on her heel, her eyes blazing. [color=A9F8C7]"Oh you are going to regret pissing me off!"[/color] The sewer grate flew up from the ground and snapped into Polaris' hands, before she lobbed it at the crowd like a frisbee, knocking them to the ground. The metal disc then flew back up into the air as Polaris got ready for another blow. [color=f7941d][b]Somewhere in the Atlantic Ocean...[/b][/color] [color=red]"Good, I can't stand to be in this machine any longer myself."[/color] Wanda muttered, still using her powers to enhance their speed. [color=red]"Wonder whose going to be on the team that meets us there, just pure curiosity on my part.[/color] [color=3D5DC3]"Actually, I can answer that,"[/color] Phoebe said with a smirk, walking over towards where Jinx was manning the torpedos and the corridor where Wanda was. They both would be able to see her. [color=3D5DC3]"Your darling sister - not the one who betrayed you all for S.H.I.E.L.D. No, the bipolar one - Polaris."[/color] [color=red]"Oh? What is Lorna doing? Thought she much like the rest of my family it would seem was off playing hero. This certainly does make for an interesting situation now doesn't it?"[/color] she mused at the thought, nodding her head slightly in response to her. The submarine began to slow finally as they reached the Washington D.C. Waterfront. Sophie joined Phoebe, leaving Esme to continue to pilot the sub. Shaw had his yacht, the Luxury, parked at the waterfront so they could wait there until the team meeting them arrived. [color=3D5DC3]"Right, daddy dearest didn't tell you - Polaris joined the Hellfire Club,"[/color] Sophie explained. [color=3D5DC3]"He named her the White Rook, his second in command."[/color] [color=red]"She's what?"[/color] Wanda said, sounding more then a little bit annoyed with that news. Unlike Lorna, she had been by their father's side the entire time, and he named [i]Lorna[/i] as the White Rook? She said nothing more regarding it, but it was more then a little bit obvious that this seriously bugged her. [color=3D5DC3]"Relax, Wanda - I'm certain you're still his favorite,"[/color] Phoebe reassured her with a smirk. [hr][center][img]https://i.postimg.cc/5yqyXQGW/image.png[/img][/center][hr][color=f7941d][b]The Dining Room - Mutant Underground Hideout...[/b][/color] Colossus glanced over at Glimpse, surprised that she wanted to talk to Kurt - and a little bit worried. She hadn't made the most favorable impression on him of the newcomers to the Mutant Underground. [color=B0B4B0]"Kurt, do you want me to stay?"[/color] he asked his friend gently. Kurt shook his head, taking shuddering breaths. "I will speak to the fraulein alone, Piotr..." he told him softly. Colossus hesitated, before nodding and he stepped away, heading over towards where Spark Plug and Blink were working with the kids. The kid gulped down the pill from Spark Plug without needing water, as if they were used to routinely dry swallowing medicine. With the work done on them by Mister Sinister, they probably were. [color=D48FFF]"...I thought hiding with the Morlocks was the answer,"[/color] Blink admitted to Spark Plug. [color=D48FFF]"I can't help but wonder if I hadn't left the Atlanta Underground, if I had stayed... Maybe I would've been able to do something to help,"[/color] she sighed. [color=D48FFF]"I come from a long line of some seriously messed up mutants... I should try to give back, to right their wrongs... To at least protect kids."[/color] [color=f7941d][b]Medical (Room 10, Second Floor) - Mutant Underground Hideout...[/b][/color] As James brought up the mention of food, Sunshine's stomach started growling. She couldn't remember the last thing she had eaten for a moment. Had it been food at the Cherry Bomb earlier? Her mind went to fantasies of chicken fingers and french fries, of cherry cokes and apple pies. She wanted nothing more than to eat everything in sight like a human Pac-Man. [color=#DAF7A6]"Get me something too!"[/color] Sunshine called out after Sapphire, as she left to go find some food for James. Havok was quiet for a moment, before he clapped James on the shoulder. [color=FAFD95]"You're a real bro,"[/color] he told him, giving him a grin. He didn't consider James to be a newcomer anymore. He was part of this crazy family and from this minute onwards, Havok decided he would be there for James if he needed him, no questions asked. [color=FAFD95]"I owe you one - I'll see if we can get you something better to eat than whatever's lying around here."[/color] [color=E33B19]"You mean dead rats?"[/color] Negasonic quipped. [color=6B576F]"They taste better than spiders, at least,"[/color] Magik replied. [color=6B576F]"...I'm going to go talk to Piotr,"[/color] she announced, leaving the room. She knew that she had been brushing Colossus off and she probably owed him a little bit of an explanation. She loved her brother, even if she didn't show it. [color=#DAF7A6]"James, here,"[/color] Sunshine then spoke up. She had cleared off a dusty cot of sorts for him - it was the closest place they had in here for him to sleep. Sunshine had grabbed one of the blankets set aside for the sick too and she held it up for him, figuring he could use it to keep himself warm. [color=f7941d][b]The Entranceway - Mutant Underground Hideout...[/b][/color] [i]"What do you think Jack wants to talk to you about?"[/i] Ben asked, a little bit curious. Quicksilver hadn't really given up any new information, whereas Jack was being fascinatingly melodramatic. Casper shrugged at his un-dead friend in response. He had no idea what Jack was going on about. Maybe he needed some recommendations on how to stop using so much Axe body spray? Or maybe he was going to ask Casper for ideas on where to find the best raves in D.C.? [color=DBA1DE]"Sure, Jackie,"[/color] Casper said. [color=DBA1DE]"And Ben really does want to go to a movie, I'm not lying about that."[/color] Pietro thought for a moment before he held up his hands and looked like he was counting something, before responding to Cayden's question. [color=7ea7d8]"For 1 year, 8 months and 2 days, since the Hansen Power Plant blew up, joined them then after the whole debacle,"[/color] he said with a bit of a shrug before he pulled out yet another Twinkie and offered it to Veil, [color=7ea7d8]"Want one? I always stash a bunch of food around since super speed and a normal amount of food do not mix at all. Anyway, as I was telling Waverley here, Xavier is going to stop by later to essentially check up on what you people are doing or something like that. I don't know, wasn't really paying attention since since the old man tends to drone on and on about everything."[/color] Veil jumped slightly, seeing Sapphire come down the stairs, drenched in blood. It was a horrific sight and Veil instantly felt responsible for it. She had been the one to lead Sapphire on the mission into hell. Her brain short circuited from pure stress and guilt for a moment, before she realized she needed to say something to Quicksilver. [color=935DB8]"I'm good, thanks,"[/color] she told him with a forced smile. She didn't even hear Waverley try to call her attention from behind her. Her eyes narrowed for a moment, sizing Pietro up. [color=935DB8]"I need a favor from you, however. As you can tell, my family's been through a lot in the last few hours,"[/color] she began. She was taking a leap of faith here. Xavier trusted him and she trusted Xavier. [color=935DB8]"I need you to go buy a bunch of pizzas and beer,"[/color] she told the speedster. She wrapped the money in invisible energy and yanked it out from Jack's pocket, the bills flying into her hand. To those who didn't know her, it wouldn't look all that different from telekinesis. [color=935DB8]"$200 should cover it,"[/color] she said, holding out that amount to Pietro. [color=7ea7d8]"Uh, sure, I can do that, give me a few minutes, be back soon,"[/color] he said, before he took the money she gave him and he took off in a flash. Casper couldn't help but giggle slightly. [color=DBA1DE]"You just made Magneto's son be your delivery bitch!"[/color] he exclaimed. The giggling didn't stop. It was infectious and Casper's body just couldn't fight it off. He stumbled backwards slightly until he was up against the wall, still just laughing his head off at the image. [color=935DB8]"Sapphire, mind giving me an update on... well, the blood?"[/color] Veil asked, ignoring Casper. There was suddenly a gust of wind as Pietro came back, stacks of pizza were in one of his hands, easily balanced and not falling, and stacks of beer as well as soda for some of the younger kids in the other, still not falling. [color=7ea7d8]"Here you go, just got standard cheese and pepperoni pizzas, and figured some soda for the younger ones around here who can't legally drink and what not,"[/color] he said as he set them down.