“I promise” Slade would say softly as he extended a hand to the little girl. “And if they do try and come for you, there will be nothing left of them when they fail” he would add as a cold smile ghosted across his face at the thought of getting revenge, before he set those thoughts aside. “My name is Slade Willson” He would introduce himself with a much warmer smile “From now on you can consider me your Uncle” Before the young Jin could respond Slade would look toward the door way, his eye narrowing slightly before relaxing. A moment later the sounds of sirens could be heard faintly in the distance, slowly growing louder. “Seems we are nearly out of time” He would say with a sigh. But that was just the way things happened some times. He was thankful that the Cops hadn’t called in anyone else just yet. “Is there anything that you want to keep from here before we leave?” Slade reached back and picked up the kitchen knife as he asked, placing it in one of his many pockets. It was an interesting memento, after all Jinayah could say that she had landed a hit on him technically. Plus it would keep his involvement in this quiet, at least for a time.