[center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/181109/b14e03f045e666658118663197a581f8.png[/img][/center] Dancing lights in the sky? Well, that was easy. Enough vampires waxed poetic over the centuries about the incredible display unless Ryner made some obscure reference but considering her obsession over them, he sincerely doubted she'd challenge them like that. So the Northern Lights it was. Which meant they were heading north. Excellent, first direction figured out and now they had a heading. [color=f7976a]“Congratulations, you get a gold star or whatever juvenile, inconsequential reward system you nostalgic creatures so easily accept.”[/color] Varis grumbled over Aaron’s shoulder. It was more than just a little annoying he couldn’t add in an equally sarcastic slow clap but sacrifices did have to be made. [color=f7976a] “Hurry up and start walking. The sooner I get my sight back, the better. And I would appreciate them not using such visual solutions. It’s like they’re mocking me. Here I am, depending on a mage to guide me, and they’re taunting me with this imagery. The disrespect. Next, they’re going to ask us to analyze a painting for clues and I’ll be absolutely useless. What an unnatural arrangement.”[/color] Varis sulked from his spot on Aaron’s back. It was absolutely ridiculous. This entire situation was a nightmare come true. [sub][right]Interacting with: [@Obscene Symphony][/right][/sub]