Renar narrowed his gaze at the disturbingly fresh food and prodded the barrel it rested on with his foot. He sniffed the air around the food but there didn't seem to be anything wrong with it. Of course the obvious answer to why there was food out is that someone else was nearby but that didn't explain why they had left all this food just lying around outside unprotected where other animals could get to it or it could be stolen. Perhaps it was bait of some kind? If so, why was it sitting on a barrel? Perhaps it was meant for something tall? For a human? Was it poisoned? Unlikely. Bandits would be far more likely to poison a blade than try and bait a person as one would a rat. His thoughts were interrupted by a desperate cry from inside the castle and a shout. The shout sounded like the Nazairi mercenary but the war cry was unknown to him. The castle was occupied after all and it seemed the inhabitants were not happy about having trespassers. The scout looked to Avery with pursed lips and glanced in the direction of the commotion, then back to her, then back to the shouting, and shook his head vigorously. As much confidence as he had in the mercenary and her ability to take care of what sounded like one starving vagrant, he had no wish to risk his own life for some misplaced sense of honor or loyalty to a cause he didn't even know existed until a few weeks ago. There is a fine line between bravery and stupidity and Renar was of the mind that it was best not to approach it at all lest he find himself having crossed it by accident.