[center][h1][color=limegreen]Caderyn[/color][/h1][/center] [hr] The negative response from Ria brought a frown to Cade's previous smirk. He knew that Ria was more of a [i]gentle soul[/i] type but he didn't expect her to empathize with an overgrown fish like this. Its just a dumb beast after all and his willingness to not outright slay it was already the limit of his patience with monsters. [i][color=limegreen]She won't hang around with a few extra holes in her,[/color][/i] he lamented to himself as Ria explained her plan to the boys. [i][color=limegreen]But fine. I'll keep trying to play nice and go along with it. If that thing is about to hurt one of them I will put it down for good though...[/color][/i] Cade let out a sigh, and with it he refreshed his motivation to keep the peace and attempt pacifism. [color=limegreen]"Nah, nah, I'm not gonna bail out for a job like this,"[/color] he spoke up at Ria's taunt, waving his hand dismissively at the idea. Ria cast her Resilience spell just in the nick of time, as the guild master Aiden made a freezing grand entrance. Even with the improved protection against the cold it was a bit frosty in the hall. Cade couldn't help but smirk at her resourcefulness when it came to handling her environment. He knew from experience that versatility and resourcefulness were the most potent weapons a person could have, short of being insanely gifted and powerful. An ally that can actually assist is an ally worth keeping. [color=limegreen]"Yeah let's get it over with before it gets colder in here than out there."[/color] The trio left the guild hall with haste, making it to the docks in what felt like no time at all. And what good timing they had! Bessie was just surfacing further out in the water as the small crew stepped out onto the docks. It served as a good reminder for Caderyn just how big she was but he didn't feel the least bit intimidated. In fact a terrible grin began to form as Cade watched the waves crash against the magical barrier. [color=limegreen]"Yeah, I'll keep an eye on her alright."[/color] Impossible for Ria or Will to see underneath his eyepatch, his magical eye briefly activated. With his ability to see right through solid objects with his eye it wasn't necessary at all to remove the eyepatch first, making it impossible for others to know if he's using it or not. In fact nobody at all would even know the extent of his magical eye and very few even knew he had one. While the cover of water obscured everyone else's vision of Bessie she was clearly visible to Cade now, writhing deeper down into the water away from where she had just surfaced. Like this he had a clear view to memorize her shape and size. Looking a little bit further he began to look underneath her scales and muscles, identifying where her heart and other organs were located in her anatomy. Ya know, [i]just in case[/i]. After a brief scan he deactivated the eye and turned his gaze over to Will, who was handing Ria some kind of magical ring to help him track her. That was good as now all three of them would know the position of the others without a need for communicating directly. [color=limegreen]"Sure you don't need one of those for me too?"[/color] Cade joked before his attention was drawn elsewhere yet again. The approaching rowboat that contained one of the mages that held up the barrier. Being as there were currently no other boats at the dock this would be the perfect dinghy to "borrow" for the quest. While Will called out to the man as he approached, Cade actually walked to the edge of the dock where the man was approaching and leaned over to hold out his hand. [color=limegreen]"Here, brother, let us relieve you of duty so you can get some rest,"[/color] Cade said to him as the boat reached the dock, obviously intending to help the man out of the boat so that Will could take it. This guy probably would know that none of the trio were on the team maintaining the barrier but he surely would know that they were wizards from the guild here to take the Bessie quest.