I hope you're ready to BLAST SOME BANZAIS. [hider=Jessica Jameson, the GREATEST BANZAI CAPTAIN of ALL TIME] [b]Name:[/b] Jessica Jameson [b]Age:[/b] 15 [b]Appearance:[/b] With her long, golden hair and sharp blue eyes, she looks like the standard ojou. EXCEPT FOR THE SHARK TEETH. Yes, the teeth of a true DELINQUENT who enjoys CRIME and DOING CRIME. She has the pale skin of a VILLAIN and the twintails of a SUPER VILLAIN. She’s very short but DON’T TELL HER THAT and ALSO NAPOLEON WAS SHORT AND HE KICKED ASS. What do you mean Napoleon wasn’t actually short? Anyways, when she’s not wearing her DELINQUENT track suit (because it’s comfy) she’s wearing… that’s right… her BANZAI CAPTAIN’S UNIFORM. [b]Personality:[/b] Jessica was born to be bad. She loves sewing CHAOS and DESTRUCTION everywhere she goes because she is VERY INSECURE. Like all good delinquents, she has a soft spot for puppies and kittens. She spends most of her free time lazing around the house, eating junk, and consuming media like potato chips. [b]Background:[/b] Jessica was born into the most difficult circumstance imaginable: being VERY RICH. Her parents bought her everything she ever wanted, she lived in a mansion with maids and servants, and had her every whim catered to ALL THE TIME. Truly a tragedy. Jessica’s older sister, Perfecta, was already set to take over the family MONEY BUSINESS by the time Jessica was born. Because of this, there were very few expectations placed on Jessica, and the few that were ended up easily crushed by the revelation that Jessica was VERY NOT GOOD at everything she tried. Why couldn’t she play piano like her sister? Why couldn’t she make numbers bend to her whim like her sister? Why couldn’t she come up with a revolutionary cure for LUGEFAUST SYNDROME like her SISTER? Jessica’s parents stopped caring about whatever she was up to and gave her a credit card in place of their care and affection, and in return, Jessica stopped TRYING. All-in-all a good arrangement. One day, while eating Sugar Pockets Cereal (the sugary cereal for only the most discerning of manchildren), she came upon an ad for the Banzai Blasters. It was here that she found her place. She took out daddy’s credit card, bought her way right up to CAPTAIN, and immediately had a sense of SELF-WORTH. Money is AWESOME! But she had no friends or acquaintances, so she had no blasters to lead. To date, her only successful job is a convenience store robbery. That she pulled off solo. While the manager was high as a kite. But it still counts! [b]Motivation:[/b] Otterholt Point is just out of the way enough to ROB A BUNCH OF SHIT, make a name for herself, and get the recognition of the Banzai Blaster organization as a whole! …Is what she tells herself. But the real reason is that it’s her birthday and her family forgot, so she wanted to go somewhere fun. [b]Assets:[/b] She’s bad at a lot of things, but she knows a lot about media and can eat a lot of garbage without getting fat. She’s actually pretty good with computers and electronics. [b]Flaws:[/b] She is physically very weak, is terrible at identifying her own emotions, and is reliant on a pyramid scheme for her self-worth. [b]Epithet:[/b] MONGREL • GATTAI!!!- Jessica can combine with anything to create another form. However, this form is always volatile and only lasts a short time. Combining with animals lasts up to an hour, combining with plants lasts up to 30 minutes, and combining with minerals lasts a minute tops. She can uncombine at will, however, and the materials separate intact. • Monday, it’s time for ALCHEMY- Jessica can combine any two things to make a third thing that logically follows from the first two things. Like she can combine water and bones to make soup. Theoretically, she could then combine that soup with something else to make some sort of MEGA SOUP. But what kind of moron would use soup for villainy? • QUICKCHANGE!- Jessica can immediately ‘combine’ with a different outfit, changing into her Banzai uniform at breakneck speeds! If she owns an outfit, she can change into it immediately. She can also change the clothes of others if she touches them, but only to clothes she owns. [/hider]