[center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/200122/e953ebd7baa8b50eccbebc557e8aa65b.png[/img] [@PlatinumSkink][@Savo] [hider=Inventory] Items: 1x Potion, 5 pokeballs, mandolin, sketch pad and graphite pencils Pokédollars: 1,500p. [/hider] [hider=Roster] [img]https://cdn.bulbagarden.net/upload/thumb/4/4c/554Darumaka.png/240px-554Darumaka.png[/img] Pokémon Name: Cecil Species: Darumaka Gender: ♀ Type: Fire Level: 5 Moves: Rollout, Tackle, Incinerate Ability: Hustle Held Item: None [/hider] [/center] [color=8882be]"Oh yeah, that's a thing."[/color] Basil completely forgot that they were being paid to catch Pokemon so it definitely made sense that she would get her money that way, assuming she had pokeballs. While Growlithe sounded like a fun Pokemon to have, he already had a fire type in Cecil so he would have rather branch out his team for the sake of variety than specialize in a specific type. Cyril's exclamation made the poor boy jolt in place and looked at the taller boy with wide eyes. He had only been around Cyril for only a few minutes and this boy was already making him exhausted. Still, the offer to join him and Chloe on the journey for a bit was a little tempting. [color=8882be]"Um, I'm going to explore the city a bit so-"[/color] His eyes trailed to the knocking from the door. [color=8882be]"Oh, I'll get-"[/color] And Cyril had made a mad dash at for the door before he could finish his sentence. He'll just answer him later. For the meantime, there was another boy, who was introduced by Kalmia as Ryu. [color=8882be]"Oh, uh, hi."[/color] Basil waved meekly. It was really beginning to feel like he was staying here for a bit too long; he was actually beginning to get a bit restless. [color=8882be]"Well, I think I have everything I need. Thanks for everything Professor."[/color] Basil said, smiling at the professor before he made his way out of the lab where Cyril was conversing with Roger. He approached him and cleared his throat. [color=8882be]"So about your proposition...I'll think about it before I leave Pureplain. Just call or text me when you're going to leave."[/color]