Ha! The fool! Some lady had come right up to her and started shouting! Dear God the ATTENTION. Jessica could feel it filling her belly like TWO GALLONS OF ICE CREAM. She sneered her EVIL shark sneer and looked up at the nerd. "What do you want, GLASSES?" Jessica asked, her genius insult undoubtedly hitting the woman like a cartoon anvil, "can't you see I'm doing EVIL here?" She looked for a moment down at the crying girl, felt a twinge of guilt, and then looked back up at the woman because guilt SUCKED and was for losers. Not Banzai Blasters. Banzai Blasters were the baddest of the bad, did the most awesome crimes, had the most fashionable uniforms, and membership BASICALLY meant she was invincible. "GAHAHA I guess you don't know who I am. But let's just say I'm SUPER DANGEROUS and BAD. I feel no shame, and there's NOTHING you can do about it you NERD," Jessica smugged, knowing that the adult couldn't so much as touch her. That was the advantage of being bad: everyone had to obey the stupid rules except for you.