Mooooooore fauna~ [hider=Ursicanidus gigas][center][hr][hr] [img][/img] [h2][color=A0522D][b]"Giant Bear-Dog"[/b][/color][/h2] [hr] [b][color=A0522D]Full Name:[/color][/b] Ursicanidus gigas (Giant Bear-Dog) [b][color=A0522D]Nicknames:[/color][/b] "Bear-Dog"; "Brutes"; "Ravagers"; "Tailed-Bears" [b][color=A0522D]Biomes:[/color][/b] Temperate Woodlands, Grasslands, and Alpine Regions [b][color=A0522D]Creature Notes:[/color][/b] Currently recognized as the largest member of the family Ursicanidae - standing at 2 meters high at the shoulder, with a 2.5 meter length, and can weigh as much as 600 kg (1,300 lbs) - the Giant Bear-Dog is a majestic creature rarely seen by the average man. As their genus name implies, bear-dogs have been classified as having attributes of both bears and dogs. However, smaller species looked and acted more like wolves, while larger ones acted more like bears despite usually having a large heavy tail, thick neck, robust limbs and canid-looking teeth. This means that based on their morphology they can replace the local niches of any one of those particular animals. Despite most species of bear-dog being primarily hypercarnivores (animals who's diets are comprised of 70% or more from meat), the Giant Bear-Dog's diet is more omnivorous, being more comparable to that of true bears. Still, its diet is comprised roughly 60% of meat, meaning it often hunts medium to large sized animals to supply its huge mass. They're well known for being capable of taking down a fully-grown Droger alone if they are hungry enough, as well as occasionally driving off large true bears off their kills. Most of the Giant Bear-Dogs live in the northern hemisphere, with only a handful of encounters in the mid or western regions. At least several individuals had been tamed by several Dwarven kingdoms to be utilized as mounts for battle. It's currently unknown as how they were able to tame them, although the most probable explanation is that they've raised their cubs from a young age. [/center] [/hider] [hider=Sus scrofa unicornis][center][hr][hr] [img][/img] [h2][color=FFFFBF][b]"One-Horned Boar"[/b][/color][/h2] [hr] [b][color=FFFFBF]Full Name:[/color][/b] Sus scrofa unicornis (Unicorn Boar) [b][color=FFFFBF]Nicknames:[/color][/b] "One-Horned Boar"; "Unicorn Boar"; "Uniporcus"; "Unicorn Hog/Pig"; "False Unicorn" [b][color=FFFFBF]Biomes:[/color][/b] Woodlands and Deep Forest [b][color=FFFFBF]Creature Notes:[/color][/b] A species of large boar native to the western regions of Astaria, the Unicorn Boar is famous for the unicorn-like horn jutting out of its forehead. It's been seen used by male boars for jousting each other and for attracting mates. Females have a smaller, more blunt shaped, horn. Some native tribes consider this boar to be sacred and only hunted for special occasions. It's hunted for both its meat and for its horn by eastern kingdoms as they claim it has magical properties. [/center] [/hider]