I have been away for a long time... But at LONG LAST! After years of dealing with life and not being around RPGuild... I have returned! For another attempt at one of my broad interest, personalized RP ideas! Now, I likely won't do the OOC until next weekend, so there'll be plenty of time to get everything sorted out, and for people to ask questions [Since this will be a fairly small interest check to just plump for people's curiosity], and for me to tweak things to fit those who've guaranteed their participation! :D [also wow, it only allows up to 7 tags XD] Now then, The gist of this one is: Heavily inspired by My hero academia, though I'm not set on excluding, including, or pick and choosing pieces of the anime canon setting and characters to be involved, or even exist. The basic gist here is to utilize the world-wide emergence of super powers theme from the anime, though the actual time period of the RP will vary depending on those interested, it may be during the initial emergence, or later during the period where there are hero schools and the likes are on the rise. The main difference I have in mind is to the 'base' world affected by this, expanding the world itself to include the trope of concealed non-human civilization living in the background of human civilization, which, of course, are affected by that advent of super powers as well. [Just incase anyone's worried about it, I already have plans to balance things out ;3] That said, Depending on the input of people who are certain to stick around for the Actual RP, I intend to customize some things to fit the group that'll be RPing together... The reason for this is simple, I'm interested in all kinds of things, too many in fact, though I still have the motivation, so the interests of those joining will help me narrow things down to something that we'll all enjoy... Also, because I enjoy co-operative input on the story ;3 And in that light, Here's some questions for those interested! 1. What point in the lore do you favor? Emergence Day, sometime after Emergence Day, or 'Present day'? [Present day taking place in an academy for heroes.] My Vote is for Present Day! 2. What Time period do you favor? [this can apply to whatever favored lore point we use!] Medieval, Modern, or Future. My Vote is for Modern! 3. What Species Balance do you prefer? [In this case, pick whichever ones you like, single or multiple, and I'll tally the results and if at least half of the players voted for one, I'll fit it in!] Humans, Sentient Animals, Furries, Myths, Monsters, Equestrians [yes those, and all related species XD] [Note: Even if not included as a permanent 'race', These things can be results of your powers anyway!] My vote is for Sentient Animals, Myths, Monsters, and Equestrians [The main reason being, I find a lot of fun in exploring quadrupedal characters! Also, humans are everywhere anyway XD] 4. Discord or not?! Yeah that, Much as I love this site, setting up a server and channels in discord would be 'incredibly' helpful for keeping everything organized, and handling characters being in different places and such! My vote is for Discord!