Kijani looked down at the lightsaber with great curiosity. She'd seen Adam wield it like an expert. That was the part that both impressed and scared her most. Someone as gentle and kind as he could be absolutely lethal. "Alright. Focus on the space." Her eyes slid shut, and she started to concentrate. There was the lightsaber in front of her, cold metal and... something like a banked energy in between it. With her mind, she explored the sturdy shape, and her fingers stretched forward. "Lift... lift..." She felt [i]something [/i]flow from her fingertips toward the blade. She cracked an eyelid to watch, and... nothing happened. "Hm. I thought I had it. Let's try again." She closed her eyes once more, this time focusing everything she had on the saber in front of her. Her other senses seemed heightened. The hum of the droids and Adam's breathing became stronger, the dimness behind her eyelids seemed to brighten into sparkling stars. The lighsaber in front of her jumped about a half inch on one side, then lay still. Kijani reluctantly opened her eyes. "...Did I do it?"