[center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/180717/8554a183aec516592ce85c3737fb0c81.png[/img] [img]https://media.giphy.com/media/8u4OFpVZddmcU/giphy.gif[/img] [color=00eedd]_______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________[/color][/center] [color=lightgray][indent][indent][indent][color=00eedd]"No one was being [i]passive aggressive[/i] towards anyone, Chanel,"[/color] Ariel responded, her anger bubbling at the surface. Why was everyone judging her? What buisness of theirs was [i]her[/i] relationship? What business of there's was [i]her[/i] decisions. She hadn't hurt anyone. She wasn't one to hurt people. Sure, there was that thing with Mari and the Misfits, but that was nearly one-hundred percent corrected. Was she and Kavi's relationship confusing? Yes. Beyond a shadow of a doubt - yes. No one got to see the walks on the beach hand in hand at three in the morning when she called him up because the thoughts in her head were to loud. No one got to see how he waited outside of the restaurant to get off of work every night he wasn't busy. No one seen how he attacked her neck with kisses until she started laughing because he knew she was ticklish there. No one got to see [i]her[/i] Kavi. They didn't see the kind and gentle man that he was, used to be and [i]could[/i] be. Marisols words rang in her ears as she stood there thinking. [color=brown]"I know you say you love him and all that good shit-- I get it. But is how he is in private worth sucking up how he acts in public? I know you say he's not a bad guy and whatever, but the dick in him is [i]a lot[/i] more obvious than the cool dude I know he can be. Do you really wanna have to deal with the anger and outbursts and him making you look like a dumbass bitch all because of who you think he can be instead of who he is? Think about that shit for a sec." [/color] She was right. They were all right. Even Ariel in her weird ass way of head-over-heels-in-love thinking. But the people around her were doing more logical thinking that she was. They weren't clouded by the love, memories, or caught in the moment. They were making unbiased opinions based upon the facts of Kavis actions. The more Ariel thought about it, the more she realized that they were right. While he might be the person that she knew he could be one day, today wasn't the day. Her mind was racing so fast that she barely realized Rye leaving before Kavi's shouting and Julie slapping him broke her chain of thought. Her right hand balled into a fist as she prepared to defend him, a small voice in the back of Ariels mind told her to drop the subject. It wasn't worth it. Kavi needed to learn from his actions, and if Julie slapping him was one of the repercussions of what he had did, so be it. She turned to April, an apologetic look on her face. [color=00eddd]"I'm sorry about this morning. Hopefully next time we talk it'll be a bit less of..."[/color] Ariel threw her hands up beside her before dropping them back down to her sides. [color=00eedd]"this."[/color] As she turned on Kavi, she could feel her face get warm, her eyes filling up with tears for the umpteenth time. If Kavi thought that he had made her sad again, he was dead wrong. It wasn't even Kavi as a whole this time, but more the side affect of both of their actions that had her pissed off. But since Kavi was the only one she could blame besides herself... [color=00eedd]"That was disgusting. You're disgusting, and you still act like you're five. You don't go around yelling and calling girls bitches like we did in middle school, Kavi."[/color] As she finished the beginning of what she had to say, the young woman let the venom drip from her words without regret. [color=00eedd]"This isn't who I know you can be, and it isn't who you told me that you would [i]try[/i] to be. I may have people looking at me like I'm an idiot and screaming at me to tell me how much of a fool that I am, but you will never make me look anywhere near as dumb as you act."[/color] She took a deep breath, the first of many frustrated tears beginning to fall. [color=00eedd]"Do better, Salvador,"[/color] she said as she began to walk away.[/indent][/indent][/indent][/color]