[quote=@Thanqol] The Shogun gives a rough little laugh. "No, I can't survive space. I'm just hanging here trying to compose a fitting death haiku but everything about this situation is so ridiculous it is [i]not[/i] working out. Help me out? [i]Friendly robot comes Unlikely guide to heavens Literal and otherwise.[/i]" [/quote] "Oh. Drat, I was looking forward to going to space. What if you could survive going to space? Also, I'd do "literal or not" for the final line." She's nattering on, but she's doing math, and a lot of it. Average oxygen consumed by somebody of the Shogun's... status, pressure requirements, rocket drag increased from a hardlight shield, projected trajectory with and without adjustments, all of it. And in the shadows of the rocket, there's an odd, pulsing hardlight construct, quietly using one bulbous sphere of force to compress and filter air into another, building up the Shogun's lifeline. "I think we're gonna be just fine, myself." And wink, as the technicians retreat out of the launch bay. [13 on protect, with the aim of getting off the rocket post-launch, Shogun's reaction determines if it's going to be before or after space.]