If she would follow him to the ship, then his plan would most certainly come into play. Dalious was a fool, especially around women, but he wasn't a blind fool. He knew this one was after something, and he planned to find out exactly what. Keeping with his character, he showed off the deck of the ship. He would imply to bring her down further, show her the captain's chambers. Firstly, however, he wanted to bring her below deck and show her the brig. His secret plan was to trick her into the cell, lock it, then wait on the others. "This is where my old crew kept me enslaved," he said, pointing at the caged cell barely big enough for three. "But this is my ship! They didn't know I had a way out from the beginning. If you look inside closely, ill show you..." He waited in hopes she would enter so he could lock her in. If not, he'd have to keep his facade going a bit longer. 'Where are the others already!?' he thought to himself.