[quote=CJayxo] Evi (Can I call you that?) I'm loving the sound of your character so far! And it's going to be so odd seeing "Witch" and picturing "Hayley", especially when your Avatar IS a Witch hah! (Yes, Original fan up in here~ But then I suppose Hayley was a Witch before she was a Wolf in the Secret Circle sooo idk lol) Either way looking forward to reading the finished sheet! :D [/quote] Of [i]course[/i] you can call me Evi, my love. I am obsessed with the Originals myself (hence the Sophie avatar and the use of Hayley... I miss Faye Chamberlain SHE WAS BRILLIANT, and technically she was first a mermaid, then a witch, then a werewolf) [quote=Syblyx] Elsa, as an actual Russian here, nice tattoo ;). I enjoy seeing my native language in RPs. I think Sasha will be great. [/quote] you've suddenly put all of this pressure on me... I do not speak Russian and used google translate for the tattoo so tell me if I do something horrible re: Russian culture/language. I'll try and finish my sheet tonight, but no promises because I do have Uni readings that need to be done for tomorrow.