Despite how vicious and obviously criminal your song was about, to the patrons of the Salt Rock tavern it was nothing more than an epic poem of your adventurers, possibly embellished. The halfling musicians quickly conceded to your shanty and cleared out, allowing you and your crew to dominate the entertainment for tonight. The rousing rambling music earned your more than just a hearty cheer but also five gold worth of tips, and the amusement of the pub owner who waived the tab for the drinks for you and your men for tonight. Speaking of which, it quickly became night. Guardsmen made their rounds and made sure the patrons and pub owners were aware that it was getting late. Most of the pub goers and dock workers returned to their homes to sleep off the booze. Tayang, Hector, and Oliver opted to buy themselves a room tonight at the Salt Rock to sleep with their women, while the rest of the crew decided to head back to the Kraken and sleep in their hammocks. There was still a room available at the Salt Rock if you wanted a clean and comfortable bed (with additional benefits if you’re willing to pay for it), but otherwise your crew waited for your decision before heading back. Twas late after all, the time for thieves and criminals.