[right][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/191207/c606bddeec8608a2953363e423b736bf.png[/img][/right] With it's work done,「Bad Case」dislodged itself form the unconscious woman and seemingly faded out of existence, unseen, returning to Taras. With that large blood stain on her clothes, Yonaka appeared dead - which might be a good thing, for her, so long as the gunman didn't decide to double check their work and spend another bullet on her prone form. The Russian agent didn't spend time thinking about that, because he was stilling picking his way through the forest in the direction of their enemy. The sound of an explosion not too far away confirmed what he'd thought about the area: booby-trapped. Of course the forest was trapped, no solo operator would be stupid enough to think they'd be safe without some measure of insurance. At least, no solo operator still alive would be that stupid. Soon enough a fort came into view through the trees. Compared to some of the older castles in France, the building ahead was a bit meager. Recently build, though whether during the last great war or this one, Taras couldn't tell. Construction and architecture weren't particular interests of his. He summoned his Stand again, letting it cling to his back in case he needed it as he crouched behind the trunk of another solid tree. The gunman... he couldn't see them from here. [i]Unfortunate,[/i] Taras sighed in his mind, taking just a moment to consider his next steps. Oscuro was on the offensive like he'd hoped, continuing on ahead. Would she continue to draw the enemy's fire though? And most importantly, could he risk sending「Bad Case」to scout? [i]...if the bastard sees it and attacks it directly, it won't be good... too dangerous in the open, but if I can get inside...[/i] Easier said than done, of course. The tree line didn't extend far enough to give him any hope of cover if he were to approach the fort's entrance. A mad dash wasn't Taras' style either though. His best bet was to wait until he knew the gunman was distracted, which meant one of their agents suffering another attack - but it was either that with some chance of surviving, or winding up the next person with a punctured artery and severely [i]less[/i] chance of surviving.