The stone was moveable, demonstrates by Shortfang kicking the stone out of the way with no difficulty. He pushed the widened board aside to reveal the crack as larger as well. This was a very cheap attempt to cover the hole. Once you were seeing through Dinah’s eyes, she and Shortfang wound move through the crack. It wasn’t very long, only about two feet deep, and it took you inside the windmill itself. It was a huge complex structure with multiple scaffolds, boxes, and containers scattered about. Almost immediately both Dinah and Shortfang could hear something above. Quietly Shortfang whispered. “Something big. Shush.” He would move quietly, looking around the darkness. Dinah could barely make out anything even with her own darkvision, but soon light would flood the room as Yorik opened the door. He looked around the room carefully, weapon and shield in hand. Shortfang continued to look around and soon stumbled across what appeared to be a trapdoor, but covered partially by a crate. At that same time Dinah smelled something and looked up, and there she saw what was hidden between some large backs on a scaffold: another kobold, armed with two blades, ready to pounce.