[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/qIAVJlY.jpg[/img][/center][hr]Tsushima wasn’t the best place ever in the world, but it was a decent little hole for Divers and civilians of all kinds. As far as other locales went, it was downright luxurious in comparison. But so long as it had nice beds and a decent meal, it was a fine enough spot to be in. Indeed, [url=https://i.imgur.com/z4xfQNt.jpg]Reina[/url] had spent the better part of a half-hour walking around the extraordinary backdrop, taking in the sights of man-made perfection and power. With the number of skyscrapers that scratched the horizon, it was almost a wonder humanity hadn’t yet become the masters of the Gates. As if. Sometime later and she’d find herself lounging around the Tsushima Diver Services. Scouting for herself one of the seats in the lobby, she made the smart notion of taking up two, laying down horizontally across both as she as flicked her eyes about boredly. Nothing was happening. Nothing was going on. Aside from the loud sound of slurping, there wasn’t much to catch her attention besides the overspun milkshake in her hands. Gripping the cup and clenching her teeth against the straw’s end, she crossed her legs over and under before obnoxiously slurping once more. Despite the number of Divers around, the place was surprisingly dead to her standards. She supposed she could take up a mission but that required some level of effort and interest. In fact, she was just about on the precipice of taking a nap before the sound of boyish yelling caught her attention. Something about money not mattering-which was bullshit and every Diver knew it-along with a boy frantically moving from one group to the next for help. It wasn’t long before someone eventually took the bait and Reina watched as two answered; some guy with a fancy blade and a girl straight out of a knight’s fairy tale. Relatively close by, Reina quietly watched the scene unfold, silence broken only by the occasional slurps. She could tell what the older guy was going for, a lopsided smirk forming around her straw at the prospect of some boon to be exploited. Then the knight bumbled her way in and apologized for a transaction that hadn’t even been completed yet. All of it culminated into a rather funny viewing and soon enough, Reina finally unclasped her lips from the straw to throw in her two cents on the situation. [color=paleturquoise]“Hah! Hah hah!”[/color] [hr]