[center][img] https://txt-dynamic.static.1001fonts.net/txt/dHRmLjgwLmUwYjYwYi5RMkZrWlc1alpTQnZaaUJoSUZSb2RXNWtaWEp6ZEc5eWJRLCwuMA,,/vtks-hyperboldi.regular.png [/img] [color=gold]Time:[/color] 4pm [color=gold]Location:[/color]Roshmi City [color=gold]Interactions:[/color] Ayita [@13org] [/center] The rest of the time at Roshmi City leading up to the ball had been great fun. Cade enjoyed exploring the city with the new friends they had made and spending time surrounded by the natural beauty of the greenhouse where they often met up. Even more than the greenhouse he enjoyed eating at the various vendors around marketplace after said meetings as Roshmi was a city with food from all different races and cultures of Avalia. He found Ilan and Regulus to both be great company, both demihumans seemed to have a down to earth and compassionate nature making them easy to get along with. Eventually it had been suggested that they attend the masquerade ball being hosted in the city as other rebels would be meeting there as well and it would serve as an excellent place to make new allies while remaining in disguise. Cade had never been to a fancy ball before and while he normally embraced new experiences this one left him feeling more than a bit nervous. He was from a modest village, all the parties he’d ever been to had been very informal and even the experience of wearing formal clothing was strange to him. Although this opportunity to make new allies was one he couldn’t pass up, Cade worried he would stick out far too much when surrounded by the most elite members of the grand city of Roshmi. He had managed to quickly find an [url=https://images-ext-2.discordapp.net/external/Tq7gG1QRSuec-UJ329QYjmIpd8j1us49qSb_TwnuNHk/https/i.pinimg.com/236x/32/bc/97/32bc972731f110a594b7665ede095ebc.jpg]outfit[/url] that suited him and just barely met the standards of a grand ball with a great deal of help from the tailor. Although the tailor did a fine job and the clothes were certainly well-made Cade found them overly stiff and constricting. He was easily more comfortable when dressed for battle or adventure than he was for a formal evening. He did thank the tailor for the help though and was sure to be careful not to fiddle with the clothing too much so as not to accidently tear anything with his claws. Finding a mask to wear proved a much more enjoyable experience. He tried many different ones on finding a great deal of amusement in looking like a different demihuman. This kept him entertained for a while as it took Ayita a bit longer to decide on clothing. He could only assume the fellow warrior was sharing the strange experience of dressing unlike one’s self. Eventually he settled on a [url=https://cdn11.bigcommerce.com/s-40v409mhy5/images/stencil/800x800/attribute_rule_images/216_source_1506540849.jpg]leopard mask[/url] deciding that this would make it simple for his friends to spot him and he didn’t want to disguise himself from his allies. Eventually Ayita emerged from the dressing rooms and Cade stopped playing with the various masks the shop offered to see what she had decided on. [color=gold]“Ayita you look as if you are draped in night’s sky itself and just as radiant.”[/color] He said as he did he best to bow formally. [color=gold]“Do you think Sakura will recognize me with this mask?”[/color] He asked as he lowered the leopard mask down over his face.