Like many souls that morning the unwelcome buzzing of a phone brought a swift end to a blissful night of rest. A grumble sounded from the sleeping beauty as she nuzzled further into the partner she shared the bed with, bare arms reached and wrapped around her, pulling her closer to them. “Mai.. sounds like someone is trying to get ahold of you.” The voice was warm and clear a touch of humor in their tone as Mailani groaned in protest shaking her head dismissively as the phone stopped. Silence filled in around them again, both seeming to drift off into a light sleep as the sun rose higher in the sky, chasing after sleep wasn’t the plan for most of Alexandrina Prep kids, no with a festival kicking into high gear just for them. But Mai couldn’t be tempted by such things, not when the only thing she yearned for was to stay in this very moment, ad infinitum. Though nothing lasts forever, and soon the sound of buzzing was coming from the other side of the room. Unlike Mai, her lover was quick to reach for the phone answering the call and easily slipping away from her. The sudden coolness at her side drew her from her intimate bliss and she snatched her phone up, kicking away the sheets that wrapped around her naked body and practically stomped around the room. The feeling of coming second to a stupid phone call was a fantastic way to start her morning, especially after the night they had shared. Mai got dressed in the same fashion, even puncturing a hole in the sleeve of her hoodie as she forced her hands through the opening, apparently, her thumb had other plans. A huff of angry air expelled from her lips as she slid her shoes on, the voice of her lover directing her feet to the kitchen as she paused at the entrance waving a goodbye that quickly turned into a passionate bird and her exit was marked by vibrating sound of the heavy front door being slammed. The walk back to the dorms was more of a hate burner as she ended up jogging the whole way back, forcing herself to not think about the insensitive idiot as she returned to campus. The bustling of the dorms as groups of friends left for the festival made her entrance less conspicuous, not that anyone in their right mind would have questioned her about it, getting information out of Mailani was a pain in the ass most people wouldn’t put up with. The elevator ride gave her a minute to zone out into the contents of her phone, a text from Lottie had her searching this ‘Elite’ thing and found the reason for her phone’s activity from earlier. [quote]To: Lottie The star and the empress? Pretty solid nicknames, at least people recognize our greatness ;) I’m getting ready now I’ll come look for you soon, keep shining babe. [/quote] Mailani sent the text off as the elevator door opened, had things gone differently this morning she’d probably be telling Lottie she’d see her tomorrow. Mai rounded the corner and smiled when she saw a familiar face standing at her door and raising their hand to knock. “You know, I don’t think she’s home.” Mai replied with a short chuckle as she stepped around Calla, using the keycard to unlock the door and pushed it open, “Ahh, it’s good to see your face. I’m in dire need of my native princess to rub my back as I complain about haoles again, despite choosing to sleep with them...So get your ass in here.”