(Sorry for the delay once again! Was a bit sick. I'm better now. No, it wasn't the coronavirus.) [@Searat] Breden nodded and slowly walked out of the hut, unnerved by what he had heard. He made his way back to his hut and thought about what all of this could mean. Even if there wasn't going to be a war, there was surely [i]some[/i] danger looming on the horizon. Then, an idea crossed his mind. He could join a group who could confront whatever the danger was. While he would have to contribute to such a party, the odds that he'd not only survive it but could legitimately claim to have done a great deed would be reasonably good. And the ladies loved a male who accomplished mighty deeds, as they wanted whatever it was about the male which made them so mighty for their own offspring. [@BigPapaBelial] Siwa gave him a mock slap on the cheek, way too light to be taken seriously. "Oh my, aren't you eager?" she joked, continuing to rub his limbs, moving to his left leg. "How's that feel? I think I've gotten most of the tightness out of your right leg. Just how long do you stand for each day? Those were some [i]really [/i]bad knots, Kog. They were like the kind I'd find in warriors who were walking home after a battle for days almost on end."