Sam is wholly mesmerised by the completely out of control runaway train that is Elodie's ramble-rant. He'd be hard pushed to remember ever seeing anyone grab quite so much rope with which to proverbially hang themselves. It is truly a glorious sight. Yes, Annalee seems to be snapping out of his control, and perhaps he should be paying more attention to that but she seems to be heading for Timmy and that is fine besides just look at Elodie! Despite himself, a smile begins to spread on his lips, revealing vampire fangs and plastering a much too lighthearted and happy look on his face than he really would wish, so lost is he in the utterly jawdropping show that is Elodie. The moment she pauses for breath, seemingly running out of steam, the thought- no, the [i]desire[/i]- to do it again, to her specifically, simmers up in his shoulders and his nonbeating heart and he realises that he's completely been overlooking an absolute star. Annalee is good and all, reliable. Faithful. Like a trusty Labrador. But oh, Elodie, you are a [i]sight[/i]. "You don't need him for that," Sam said quickly and reaches to catch any hand Elodie might be reaching towards Timmy with his own. "I mean... the huma is cute and all but he can't hold up to a werewolf. One tiny spat between the two of them and you have two werewolves anyway, and no more cute human. If it's two werewolves you want, just go and get one right away. Forcing the poor human to become a wolf against his will seems... cliché. Not to mention it will cause paperwork and questions from his family." Sam shuddered at the thought of the extra aggravation. "You and Margot sound like you have a lot to work out, discuss, discover... [i]experience[/i]. I happened to overhear that there's to be a small-scale room allocation re-shuffle due to some, uh, damage, caused the other night. If you ditch the human I would feel inclined to repay the favour by visiting the admin office and shuffling some room allocation cards favourably for you. Say... you and Margot in an intimate Room For Two? And sure school rules and all but I'm not one to snoop though keyholes, or windows." That last bit added with a brief but pointed glance towards the aforementioned human. [Spending my shiny new string on tempting Elodie to openly dump Timmy in exchange for tasty XP (and an exciting new roommate)]