[hr][hr][center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/180414/59b76bf7b5b78d2bb3d2a7fb86019d1b.png[/img] [img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/180925/232d850a0bb1113cbc436a6f2083c112.png[/img][/center][hr][center][@Morose][@Nallore][@FantasyChic][@KazAlkemi][@Framing A Moose][@Natsu][/center][hr][hr][center][h2][b][color=yellow]Lance Banner[/color][/b][/h2] [img]https://media.giphy.com/media/oQh2UkdhfepsQ/giphy.gif[/img][hr][color=yellow][b]Location:[/b][/color] Galactus' Ship - Chitauri Room [color=yellow][b]Skills:[/b][/color] N/A[/center][hr][hr] The Chitauri just kept blasting at the group, and now one took notice of Carolina shooting at them through another one of them. A blast went flying and slammed into Carolina with enough force to send her back to her own body, and the alien she had possessed was completely annihilated, there wasn't anything left of it at all now. She probably would be glad that she wasn't there anymore or something like that. Another few blasts went flying out, hitting the others as well. This time the blasts were enough to break through the armor of the group for the most part, causing burns to appear on them somewhat. Lance was really starting to not like the idea of not having one of the suits at the moment, as he got thrown backwards by one of the hits, and was really [i]really[/i] trying not to shift again. His head was starting to pound, and he flew out of the way, using his powers to more or less get out of the way of the Chitauri so he wouldn't get blasted by them again. He saw that Elizabeth was over at the other end of the room near the door, one of the Chitauri would have been able to hit her, but that blast hadn't been too bad compared to the others, at least she was already against the wall. Flying over, his hands started moving rather quickly as he managed to get the door to pop open, [color=yellow]"Alright everyone let's get out of here!"[/color] he said as he glanced back at the others. He hadn't been paying much attention to what the others were doing, so he hadn't really seen the bright lights that Annie had caused, not to mention he was trying to keep himself surrounded by light, so he wasn't really paying much attention to them as he headed through the door. Anyone who walked through the door would find themselves in a very large circular room, with a door about 30 feet above them. [color=yellow]"...So, guess we have to go up slightly again, fun."[/color] [hr][hr][center][h2][b][color=007236]Marygold Isley[/color][/b][/h2] [img]https://data.whicdn.com/images/285608385/original.gif[/img][hr][color=007236][b]Location:[/b][/color] Galactus' Ship - Hallway [color=007236][b]Skills:[/b][/color] N/A[/center][hr][hr] [color=007236]"I'm all for the not feeding the giant any sort of planet all things considering,"[/color] Mary said, more or less snapping out of whatever it was that had taken her focus away from what was going on. [color=7ea7d8]"Well I mean, that would be hilarious overall if you ask me... But also somewhat terrifying if there are more horror movie creatures on this ship... What is this, kind of Cabin in the Woods with all the creatures or whatever,"[/color] Pietro said with a small laugh, looking over at Bethany and shaking his head ever so slightly at the thought. [i][color=7ea7d8]Still a bad joke Guina! And bad jokes are bad![/color][/i] "Well... Self isn't too sure why they are all here... But yes, probably something like that. Self was on an abandoned planet of sorts when I ran into the big purple man and his silver friend. Self was brought here by Surfer and put into the menagerie." [color=007236]"So... Essentially, yeah, what Allison said... He brings some people here from different planets and locks them up like some inter-galactic zoo from the sounds of it."[/color] "Yes, self friend Allison is right. Not necessarily from the planet they were found on, but if they were on a planet he consumed some were brought up here." [color=007236]"Alright, that's a good thing to know over all... But not sure if we should release them or help them out because some of them are most certainly not friendly as we've discovered..."[/color] With those last words, the group would come to a door, and Mary glanced back at Allison and nodded in response to her comment about her vision. [color=007236]"Okay, be careful and don't go rushing forward since he could try to kill us, that is definitely a good thing to know."[/color] "Through door there will be a large computer room of sorts, almost to the device we are. Self knows for a fact, Surfer is sometimes nice and let's self wander around the ship." Warlock said matter of factly, nodding his head. [hr][hr][center][h2][b][color=8493ca]Mirembe Adebayo[/color][/b][/h2] [img]https://i.gifer.com/EENc.gif[/img][hr][color=8493ca][b]Location:[/b][/color] Galactus' Ship - Flora Colossi Room [color=8493ca][b]Skills:[/b][/color] N/A[/center][hr][hr] [b]"I am Groot!"[/b] one of the trees said towards Neil, sounding a little bit annoyed about something, before it made a motion for him to drink the water that was in the bowl. A few of the others gave each of the other three (Sara, Iris and Mira) bowls of the exact same stuff in it. [color=8493ca]"...Guessing they want us to drink it,"[/color] Mira said before she started coughing a lot from her throat being sore still. She wasn't all too sure about this, considering the fact that they had just run into the creatures, and considering the fact that they had run into a killer gorilla that was telepathic, things weren't always what they seemed. However, she figured that if the trees were being somewhat nice at the moment, she didn't want to really insult them regarding the water. Not to mention her throat really was starting to hurt a lot from all of the talking, and shrieking from earlier. She usually carried around a bottle of water or something to make it easier to deal with, but that was kind of difficult. [b]"I am Groot!"[/b] it said again, clearly wanting them to drink the water still. Letting out a bit of a sigh, she decided to go with what the hell considering the fact that the trees might not let them through if they didn't show good will. [color=8493ca]"...Well bottoms up I guess,"[/color] she somewhat croaked out, before she brought the bowl to her mouth and took a drink from it. It had a weird after taste to it, but she found the pain in her throat instantly start to fade away. [color=8493ca]"That is kind of weird, like, insanely weird..."[/color] she said to the others, her voice sounding a hell of a lot better. The trees were nodding their heads and clearly were glad that she had taken a drink of the water. [b]"I am Groot,"[/b] one then said, pointing directly to the door, allowing them to be able to see the door more clearly, and nodding it's head, wanting to let them through now.