[center][hr][img]https://i.imgur.com/SLQtFtW.png[/img][img]https://i.imgur.com/EHuggsO.png[/img] [img]https://i.imgur.com/wcQpXM3.png[/img][img]https://i.imgur.com/gSkVSJR.png[/img][hr][b][code]Araminta Serenity Library.[/code][/b][hr][hider=Silversun Pickups - Freakazoid][youtube]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UDI-MgDBMn8[/youtube][/hider][hr][/center] When the stranger approached Katie's eyes almost immediately shifted to him. She recognized him from that faithful night... he was the stranger with the camera. Though, it was an intuition of her own that leads her to believe that he wasn't just in the neighborhood. He probably came looking for Brianna... but this was merely speculation and she wasn't going to act on if she knew any better. The last thing Kaitlyn wanted to do was alienate one of the big reporters of Araminta. "No, of course not," Brianna was quick to say. "That makes this a whole lot easier." They all sat down at a square table with a lamp on it... the library was a bit dark. Moody, as it was illuminated by a few lights that are in the interior. The chairs at the table were fairly comfortable as Brianna had no clue where to even start. As the situation was... complicated. More complicated than any of them could have realized. The girl had lost sleep over it. However, she settled on starting with the Outside. "Okay, so I figure both of you want to know what the hell was that place? Well... I'm trying to figure that out myself, nobody knows what it is..." Brianna trailed off as she looked off to the side. "It makes no sense what so ever - but I have made some attempts to understand it. Have neither of you heard about parallel universes?" "Who hasn't?" Kaitlyn said. "Okay, that was a dumb question," Brianna said, "But, there are other worlds out there - dunno how many, but each of them is different in one way or another. That place, the Outside, is one of those worlds, at least I think that's what it is. What's weird about the Outside is... well... I spent a bit of time in these other worlds and guess what?" "... There's absolutely nothing like the Outside out there, is there?" Kaitlyn was intrigued by what Brianna was saying. However, she wasn't going to take it at face value of course... she wanted to see these other worlds for herself because she wants to see this for herself before she believes in other dimensions. Though she can summon the ocean out of thin air, her ex can turn into a spider, she saw monsters and geography that shouldn't exist with her own two eyes... Is she stupid enough to dismiss the idea of other worlds? "Of course not," Brianna said, "The Outside follows no sense of logic and... it changes depending on who's there or, more accurately, who was recently there." That made Kaitlyn raise an eyebrow. "I guess because a majority of people who went there are from Araminta, it tailored itself to be like Araminta... but when me and my childhood friends were there it was tailored more towards our home town," Brianna explained. "If you were to wander off by yourself or in a smaller group... the Outside will begin to drastically change. Changing itself to you and what you've seen and experienced." Brianna shrugged. "The monsters there will change too." [center][hr][img]https://i.imgur.com/Sl8AYes.png[/img] [img]https://i.imgur.com/Ubo4mXz.png[/img][hr][b][code]The Ass-End of Nowhere.[/code][/b][hr][/center] Rita was stopped from following the Hound by a stranger... one that she didn't even notice was there until he grabbed her arm. She almost screamed again - until she heard his voice. She turned her head and Rita kinda recognized him. He confirmed it when he said they were in that "Outside" place, but he was acting like she was some lost puppy. Like she was going to die or something... though, he told her to sit down. Which she found inviting right now; more inviting than following that weird wolf thingy. "I'm not well? Look, I'm perfectly fine," Even though that was a total lie... but when he invited her to his boat. "Yeah... sure." She said, not thinking about if this man had an ulterior motive or anything. Her ulterior motive was some food. [center][hr][img]https://i.imgur.com/KLAofSM.png[/img] [sup][sup][sup]Aka stuff I should have put in the last post[/sup][/sup][/sup] [b][code]A crackhouse.[/code][/b][hr][/center] In the more rundown and poor areas of Araminta, that's mostly row house after rowhouse there was a racket like no other. [url=https://images-wixmp-ed30a86b8c4ca887773594c2.wixmp.com/f/ddb5f918-3fc5-440a-9ef5-835b752921b9/d2s0hz9-9413d7dd-c8c1-4553-9d62-f68f4369e33a.jpg?token=eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJzdWIiOiJ1cm46YXBwOjdlMGQxODg5ODIyNjQzNzNhNWYwZDQxNWVhMGQyNmUwIiwiaXNzIjoidXJuOmFwcDo3ZTBkMTg4OTgyMjY0MzczYTVmMGQ0MTVlYTBkMjZlMCIsIm9iaiI6W1t7InBhdGgiOiJcL2ZcL2RkYjVmOTE4LTNmYzUtNDQwYS05ZWY1LTgzNWI3NTI5MjFiOVwvZDJzMGh6OS05NDEzZDdkZC1jOGMxLTQ1NTMtOWQ2Mi1mNjhmNDM2OWUzM2EuanBnIn1dXSwiYXVkIjpbInVybjpzZXJ2aWNlOmZpbGUuZG93bmxvYWQiXX0.ALfIF2b-fvjvdnp2uOmJ-qgURfJkr-TBl-HzhhHzHUQ]A tall, skinny girl with blonde hair[/url] ran up the stairs to one of the houses and began banging on the door over and over again. "Jacob, open the door right fucking now!" Only for no response... which prompted her to bang on the door even harder. "... He's not here," [url=https://66.media.tumblr.com/8e92dbb31cdfee4fc12ef768c15e24b3/tumblr_p45sqaML7U1v80i1jo2_1280.jpg]A African-American girl wearing an all-black Nike tracksuit and had her hair braided said.[/url] She had on sunglasses and twirled one of her braids in her hand and did not look happy. "Taylor, we've been at this all morning - he ain't answering his phone, he ain't [i]anywhere[/i] you said he is." "Oh, I know he's here," Taylor said with a grin. "This is literally the last place he'd be!" There was a faint sound of music as the stranger to Araminta closed her eyes... and the sigil on her back of a ear illuminated as her hearing increased. The music got louder but so did the other sounds. One by one she gradually muted them until it was just... [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gCbO6eFsMTM]music coming from the building[/url]. Eventually, the stranger decided to mute the music and she heard the... "sounds" (which sounded like wet slapping) that the music was masking and the girl loudly gagged. "Jasmine?" Taylor asked. "It sounds like he's up there fuckin'!" Jasmine crudely said. "... And don't say my name, please, remember I'm looking for somebody." In a fit of pure rage, Taylor ran up to the door and gave it one hell of a kick... and fell directly onto her ass with a hurt knee. Which made Jasmine chuckle. "Stop laughing!" Jasmine walked over to the door very casually as she lifted her leg up, knee bent, and kicked right next to the doorknob. The door was pretty shitty (probably wasn't the first time somebody kicked it down) so she caused one hell of a hole. She kicked the door again and viola; the door finally swung open. Twisting her braids with her fingers she smiled as she said, "Try kicking close to the knob next time." All cat-like. "Let's just hurry up and get him! That dumbass knows he can get us all fucked up, why isn't he answering his door!" Taylor got up to her feet as she ran inside and almost immediately ran up the stairs that was right in front of the door and Jasmine slowly followed behind her. When Taylor reached the top of the stairs the door at the very top of the stairs was thrown open and the first thing that Taylor saw was her brother Jacob. Aiming a Glock 17 right down the stairs screaming, [i][b]"You'll never take me alive!"[/b][/i] Also, he was completely naked. "Wait, Jacob, it's me!" Taylor said, putting her hands in front of her face. "Oh shit, Taylor!?" Jacob said, "Why in the [i]fuck[/i] are you kicking my door like you're the feds?!" Jasmine was at the bottom of the stairs and the first thing she sees is Jacob's little Jacob. "[i]'Why in the fuck'[/i] aren't [i]you[/i] putting some pants on right now?!" "Because I didn't fini-" "Okay, that's not important right now, the boss wants to have an emergency meeting!" Taylor said. "She wants everyone there and you haven't been answering your phone." "So you kick down my fucking door?" The woman that was in the room Jacob was just in shouted. "Well, just tell her to screw off," Jacob said. "And why is she here?" "I'm here because [i]'the boss-'[/i]" Jasmine finger quoted, "Thought she needed some extra supervision to make sure the job gets done." "How sweet," Jacob said. "Now fuck off." "Apparently the boss lady was right," Jasmine said as she crossed her arms. "It's like dealing with a teenager. I don't know if you know, but everyone is there waiting for us. Getting more pissed off by the second. And I don't know about [i]your[/i] arrangement with her, but you should remember there are other people who got shit to do and ain't got time for your bullshit, Jacob. Also, put some fucking pants on!" She almost yelled at him. "Fine," Jacob said as he ran back into the room and threw on his gray sweat pants and his hoodie and ran down the stairs. "Let's go! And this [i]better[/i] be important because I'm sick of this bullshit already!" And the three of them sprinted across town to this mysterious... "meeting" they had to attend. [b][hr][code]The Woods about an hour ago.[/code][hr][/b] A white-tailed deer was in the sights of his rifle. The middle-aged hunter that was a good distance away from his target - a deer just sitting in the clearing. He was in the prone position, completely camouflaged as the deer had no clue he was even there. He held his breath at the peak of his breath as gently pulled the trigger. There was a loud shot coming from the gun as the deer was shot in the center of mass but took off running with what little strength he had. The Hunter grinned as he knew the deer would probably bleed out soon, he hopped up to his feet... But he heard a loud breath behind him as a twig snapped. He turned around with his rifle ready to see a fucking moose directly behind him. Except this was no ordinary moose - this moose was heavily rotted and decayed. It was almost like a zombie moose. Also, there are no Moose anywhere near here so that's something important too. He almost dropped his rifle as he took a step back... but with every step back the beast took another step forward. "[i]These woods... are... sacred... protected...[/i]" The thing whispered. The Hunter finally gave up and cut and run, breaking off into a desperate sprint as the rotted Moose chased after him. It wasn't long until it caught him and gored him. Its antlers went directly into his back as he screamed at the very top of his lungs as the Moose rammed him directly into the nearest tree. Killing him almost instantly. The Moose took a step back as his lifeless body fell off his antlers. The Moose looked to the side and saw that the deer had collapsed from its wounds. The Moose walked over the collapsed deer and said, "[i]I... failed you... as your... savior...[/i]" The Moose marched into the woods, as it had business to attend to elsewhere. "[i]... but not as your... avenger...[/i]"