[h1][center][color=4286f4][i]Arthur Stanford[/i][/color][/center][/h1] [hr] [center][img]https://s.aolcdn.com/dims-shared/dims3/GLOB/crop/3280x2050+0+121/resize/640x400!/format/jpg/quality/85/https://s.aolcdn.com/hss/storage/midas/73ce8167c00ca1dc68e8468a67c07477/202780896/Photo+Credit+Jordan+Matter.jpg[/img][/center] [hr] [center][color=4286f4]Location:[/color]Ship[/center] [hr] The ship [i]was[/i] something to be beheld, if not just for the sheer size of it. The wonder of it all just wasn't enough to keep him from his gloom though, and it was starting to irk him how hard these feelings were to shake. He'd considered before the idea of an afterlife fundamentally comforting, that it would make death something nothing to fear, but now he understood things a bit better. There was something that put him at ease about the fact that he knew Ash still lived on in one form or another, but the fact that he wouldn't be seeing her for a very long time stung almost as much as the idea that he'd [i]never[/i] see her again. He considered Andy's offer for a moment, unsure if he wanted to be alone or not. He was initially planning on wandering the ship sure, but being alone might hurt him more than help him in the long run. Sequestering himself from everyone would just let this pain brood, and he couldn't afford to let that happen. He needed to train still, to fight on for something. Being a lump and sad about everything would just put the others at risk, if something dangerous were to happen on their journey, and then he'd be responsible for the death of somebody he cared about, and that couldn't come to pass. So he nodded at Andy and said, "[color=4286f4]Yeah, let's take a tour. Help get our minds off things, you know?[/color]"