[center][img]https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/682678547374145573/684583633100865536/97b22764970c1985ad4f7b573619b7c7.png[/img][/center] [hr] She knew not the passing of time as the Prairie healed. What she did know is that the wind storms, these tornadoes, as she came to call them, were now a part of her Prairie. They came again, but never as bad as the first time. One here, another there, sometimes two… They tore at the ground and at first she wanted nothing more than to rid herself of them, but they grew on her. The animals learned that when they came, they needed to flee quickly, and the grasses began to grow stronger, more resistant to the winds. An equilibrium was forming naturally, and despite her urge to protect her life from outside forces, the tornadoes became natural. When it no longer seemed that the land would suffer so greatly, Oraelia knew it was time to move on. She told herself that a lot, didn’t she? And as she hung suspended in the air, thinking on that statement, she smirked, then flew off in no particular direction. She reached the edge of the Prairie and the beginning of the Highlands, noting that the Prairie inhabitants were beginning to trek their way in. The Auroran deer were still there, and she could see several plumes of smoke from her vantage point. As she ventured further in, she came across a Pride of Leons, using the high terrain to their advantage. She saw the male lounging upon an outstretched rock, basking in the sun while two cubs played with his tail. She snickered at that, bringing her hands to her hips as she began to chuckle. Her gaze then fell a short ways, as she saw three Leoness’ stalking something. A hunt! She scrunched her nose, the idea unpleasant to watch, and she began to turn away but something caught her eye. Their prey. It walked upon two legs, had a head full of chestnut hair and carried a stick in one hand, fruit in the other. Perplexed by this strange animal, she flew in closer, only to see the Leoness’ burst forward at the two legged thing. The creature, hearing the Leons, brandished the spear to ward them off. She frowned, knowing It was not her place to interfere in the hunt. Then the two legged thing shouted for help as a Leoness flew at him. Her eyes went wide and within a second, she was between the Leoness and her prey. She stopped the Leoness with but a thought, and lowered it to the ground as the voiceful thing behind her began to shout in surprise, falling over backwards. Oraelia then looked closer at the two legged thing, and look closer she did. She saw his memories, his emotions, the good and the bad, names, thoughts, feelings and everything else, all within a second. She blinked back her tears of awe and turned to the Leons once more, who stared at her, pacing back and forth. She held up her hand, palm facing them. [color=gold]”Tell your children and your children’s children, every Leon that passes to and fro, let it be known, that this life, these humans… They are not your prey. Do not provoke and only defend yourselves when your lives, and your Pride’s lives, are threatened. This is my command, as your Goddess. Now go, live in peace.”[/color] she said, a flash of light resonating from her hand. The Leoness bowed, and as they did, their sun symbols shined brighter before they flew off in the opposite direction. Oraelia then turned to the man, whose name she knew as Tutono, but he was gone. She could hear him, running through the trees, his breath quick. She was about to go after him, but then she heard it, a distant wail. Powerful, godlike yet heart wrenching and full of agony. Worry overtook her as she immediately thought of Gibbou, but she knew it was not her sister’s voice. Nor was it Evandra’s, but another precious sibling. One who was in pain! She pursed her lips, and then took off. The human, as they were called, would have to wait for now. [hr] It took her awhile to pinpoint the location of the scream, and even then it wasn’t as accurate as she had hoped. It wasn’t until she heard more shouting, this time many voices in tangem, did she finally find herself next to a great river. A tribe of humans by its shores, shouting and yelling, voices full of rage and grief. She quickly descended, her radiance reflecting in their eyes as they turned to look up at her. She took note of the small stone mound, and the man laying beaten and bloodied beneath the crowd. It made her feel… Concern? [color=gold]”What happened here?”[/color] she said as her feet touched the ground, causing the yellowed grass to turn green again. An older human, one with grey in his beard approached, bowing before her. “Greetings, Bright one. To think-... Another would come to see us this day.” She tilted her head slightly. [color=gold]“Another? Who- Ah, the one who screamed? I see… But first, why does that one lay beaten and bloodied?”[/color] she asked, walking over to him, the crowd parting, giving her suspicious looks. “He-... He killed Jovon. Pushed him off a cliff.” said the Elder. “Arek killed my love, so he could try to-to get with me. Who does such a thing?” Came a girl’s voice, eyes red amongst the crowd. Oraelia looked over the man and knelt beside him, gently touching the bruises and broken bones, before looking up at the tribals. [color=gold]”All life is precious. To the smallest mouse, to the largest of Leons. In nature, there is no revenge, but there can be cruelty- Even if it can’t be perceived as such. Yet this is actuality, the natural cycle. There is life, and there is death. But, you stand here now. Capable of thought, speech, feelings… Love, hate, anger, sadness… So complex, this ability to act above basic instinct. It’s a gift, a beautiful, wondrous gift and it means you are now a part of the cycle as well. You know what’s cruel, what revenge can do, what loss feels like. Most animals understand, but they act upon their nature foremost, but you? You understand perfectly, or you will understand, in time.”[/color] she said with a sad smile. She looked back at Arek again, [color=gold]”What he did was wrong, there is no doubt in that. But to kill him outright…”[/color] she looked back at the tribe, [color=gold]”Can there not be another solution?”[/color] she asked them. There were murmurs among them and angry looks, all quieted by the elder. "Bright one-... What do you mean? A life for a life… That is the way." The elder spoke. She nodded slowly. [Color=gold]"Yes, that is fair, but is it right? What if I offered you a solution, one that could please us both. I will take Arek and I will renew him, and in doing so he will return to an innocent state. A pure state, untainted by his desires and I will whisk him away to another, that way you do not need to see him, ever again. Think upon this for a moment, if you would."[/color] she said. And they discussed this solution amongst themselves. Their conversation went in many directions, chief among the voices was the red eyed woman and the chief. The former advocating for Arek's death, while the latter did not wish to upset the 'Bright One'. Most others were leaning with the elder. Oraelia had mixed feelings about being appeased. She knew it did not please her, she did not wish to be pleased. She was simply acting in the interest of continued life. She wanted them to be better. Eventually the Elder came before her and nodded with a heavy heart. "We have decided-... Take Arek away, far away. He is not, and never will be, a part of our tribe. His taint must be removed." She nodded and before their eyes, two items materialized. From the ground came an oaken branch, dark and gnarled running with green vines. Then came a long white blanket, that wrapped around Arek's body with a flick of her wrist. The branch then flew into her hand and Oraelia placed the tip on his forehead. Before their eyes, he began to heal. Bones mended, and bruises disappeared, while dried blood reabsorbed. A mix of confusion, awe and rage erupted from the tribe as they saw this but they quickly went silent as they saw the blanket's power work. Arek awoke and then he began to change. There was a fear in his eyes, that quickly faded as his body aged backwards. From adult, to teenager, to boy and then at last to a baby, or perhaps a toddler. All happened quickly before their eyes, and shocked the silence with the small ones' cries. Oraelia wrapped him up in the blanket, cradling him with one arm. She soothed the child, ushering the tiny thing to sleep with but a whisper. She then turned to the tribe and said, [color=gold]”I will take him now, but before I go I offer you two things. Words of advice, and a gift. There are animals with my symbol, a shining star and a halo of light. If you are ever to come across these, they will do you no harm unless provoked. I ask that you respect them, and they will respect you. Spread that word, so all might hear it. As for the gift, here.”[/color] The oaken branch floated over to the elder, who tentatively took it. Others looked at the branch with curious eyes. [color=gold]”I know I cannot heal your loss… But I can give you a tool that can heal you physically. Simply touch the tip to your forehead, or wound, and it will heal you. Elder, this is a mighty gift for your people, I ask that you do not misuse it, or I shall know. I do have one more thing to say… I am sorry for your loss. Life is a precious thing and… To have it not die a peaceful death, one of old age… My heart shares your loss.”[/color] she paused, taking a deep breath. [color=gold]”Goodbye, dear humans. May you live long and happy lives.”[/color] She began to lift off, but the Elder stopped her with a simple phrase. “Thank you.” She turned to look at him, his wizened face expressed in understanding, perhaps even reverence. “Thank you, Bright one. What is your name, so that we might know to tell our children? So that we might-... So that we might thank you by name.” She smiled happily, [color=gold]”I am Oraelia, Goddess of Sunlight, Mother of Life, Bright One. Your thanks has been received… But before I forget, who was the one that screamed? The god before me, what was their name?”[/color] “Her name was Neiya, Bright One, and she said her love was eternal.” [hr] It was later in the day when she found him. The man named Tutono, whom she had saved from the hunt. He was with several others, they were picking berries in a dense pocket of forest. He stood close to a woman, and as she watched from afar, they were playful with one another. She knew what that meant, if at all these humans were like other animals. When the two went off by themselves, Oraelia quickly descended before their attentions went elsewhere. Tutono and the woman looked up at her, shielding their eyes for a moment before realization dawned upon him. He opened his mouth to speak, but Oraelia beat him to it. [color=gold]”Hello! I bet you weren’t expecting to see me again.”[/color] she then smiled at the two. [color=gold]”I mean you no harm, I just want to talk.”[/color] The woman went behind Tutono, eyeing Oraelia and the baby worryingly and at first he looked as if he wanted to run again, but after a moment he nodded and said, “Thank you… For saving me, uh…” [color=gold]”Bright One.”[/color] she said happily. “Bright One.” he said with a small grin. “I… I am sorry I ran off. You are like… Like Cadien, yes?” [color=gold]”Cadien? Yes, I suppose I am. But do not worry about running away, the Leons will never bother you, or any human again, unless first provoked. Actually I was hoping you could help me. You see, I have a child that needs parents.”[/color] she said, showing them the sleeping baby. The woman tentatively stepped out from behind Tutono as she peered at the small, sleeping face. Tutono looked at her and then to the baby with a curious expression. “A baby… I have never seen one before. It’s so small… How would we… What would it eat?” Oraelia blinked, having thought the answer was obvious. She pointed at the woman beside him, [color=gold]”A baby needs a mother.”[/color] she smiled looking at her, hearing two heartbeats. [color=gold]”Soon enough she will produce sustenance for the little one, until then… Mash those berries into a pulp and feed small bits.”[/color] she then paused, [color=gold]”I… I have no right to ask this of you… But please. Take the child, raise him as your own.”[/color] Tutono looked at the woman, and she looked at him before she nodded. She then took the sleeping child within her own arms and held him close, instincts kicking in. Oraelia then imparted on them knowledge and a gift. She told them as she told the other tribe, her animals would not harm them unless provoked, and she gave them the blanket. A powerful tool of renewal, and she charged Tutono with its protection. She then bid the two, farewell. [hr] Oraelia flew in no particular direction as she thought about the day's events. It seemed mortals had arrived in the world, and it was a wonderous thing indeed! Yet, filled with its own set of challenges. She hoped the world she had helped build was ready for them. She hoped it was fleshed out enough so that they could prosper and live in peace but as if an answer to her question… She came to a land just as barren like her prairie had once been. She sighed. What were the others doing? She shoved the thought from her head, it was time to create another ecosystem, wasn’t it! She cracked her knuckles and thought about what she might want to see, or perhaps, what the continent needed. Perhaps another forest? A couple mountains? She waved her hand over the land, and before her sprouted a mountain range not unlike the Boar’s but smaller, and from beneath it sprouted shoots of trees like grass. Thick evergreens and tall pines with numerous other trees and berry bushes for life that would- Something snapped. She recoiled in fright at the sound, she had no idea where the noise had come from, but it felt as if it was all around her, but not originating within her, that she knew. A sickly sweet aroma filled her nose and she could taste it too, and then from before her the trees began to [i]grow[/i]. The mountains began to rumble and quake as they ripped apart, sending large chunks crashing into the growing trees, sending the spires jagged and broken. Oraelia tried to stop it, but nothing worked. She even shouted at it to stop, but even her voice was without meaning before the power before her. The trees grew gnarled, limbs cracking, growing wider, piercing other trees like giant swords. Wood burst apart, exploded from the growth as the trees began to stop, now towering over the very hills, resembings giants. Their canopy was so thick that it blocked out most of her sun’s light from below, covering the land in twilight. Oraelia was horrified at what she saw as she flew in closer. Everything was overgrown, giant sized and twisted. The plants and animals also had changed, to fit this new environment. Giants in their own rights, with many looking like mixes of several species put together. Plants had grown vines and flowers that did not seem to mesh, with colors and scents not smelling right at all. She had a panic attack as she saw a pack of wolf-bears, maul a giant moose to death and she flew off into the sky. This had not been the plan. What had gone wrong? [hider=summary] Prairie healed and tornadoes integrated, Oraelia heads east and comes across a pack of Leons in the Boreal Highlands. She sees the leoness’ hunting a human and intervenes. She tells the Leons never to attack them again, and imbues that within them. She then hears Neiya’s scream and goes to investigate and finds that tribe mourning the dead hunter. She sees they brutally attacked the killer and once again intervenes and offers them another solution. They accept and she heals the killer, then turns him into a baby. Then she goes and finds the human she saved and they talk, and the human agrees to raise the baby/toddler. She then goes and creates a new ecosystem but something happens and the ecosystem becomes a twisted version of itself. [/hider] [hider=MP summary] 2MP/3DP -2DP, Artifact of Renewal. Origin (Innocence II- This Blanket, when placed upon living tissue, reverts it to it’s most innocent form of existence. For now it only works once every generation, but as it levels up, it’s cooldown will become quicker.) -1DP, Artifact of Healing. Oaken Branch (Mending I- This artifact can heal physical wounds. As it levels up, the mending process becomes quicker and it never breaks) -Free, Large Ecosystem. Aberrant, the twisted woods. -Free, Small Ecosystem. The Jagged Peaks. 2MP/0DP 3/5 for Healing Port 4/5 for Renewal Port [/hider]