[center][img]https://txt-dynamic.static.1001fonts.net/txt/dHRmLjcyLjQ2NzMxYy5SV3h6WldFLC4w/roycroft-initials.regular.png[/img] [color=1a7b30]Time:[/color] 4pm [color=1a7b30]Location:[/color] Kyran’s home [color=1a7b30]Interaction:[/color][@Alivefalling]-Kyran [@princess] Risa[/center] [hr] The parting of Dio was quite a heartbreaking one and Elsea had felt a few tears slip from her own eyes as she watched how brokenhearted Risa was. She sent a silent plea up to the gods that Dionaea would be alright for she feared how it would change Risa if something were to happen to her dear friend. The loss of anyone close to you tended to change a person and she feared that this alone was already beginning to take effect with Risa. They met with another group who Risa had come across one night and Elsea found herself being rather weary of the group. While they seemed nice enough and didn’t want to cause them harm, she knew they needed to be more careful now with their faces all over the place. Who to trust was going to be a difficult thing to determine from now on. She did find a strange comradery in the human girl, Corvina, though. Perhaps it was because the two shared the same element or perhaps it was just the excitement of finding another human who wasn’t high and mighty like Jean was. Now it was an hour until the ball was to start and Elsea had opted to get herself ready as Risa needed Kyran’s mother’s attention. She was to make a statement at the ball and so the help getting ready seemed necessary. The [url=https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/621436998472695811/636670564093919282/f113667d75fd0d61978f23709d3fc214.jpg]gown[/url] Elsea had been given to wear had been nothing like she’d ever worn before. It was so elegant and beautiful that she felt like she wasn’t worthy of such fine apparel. She stared at herself in the mirror, not recognizing the woman standing there. She’d had someone show her how to apply something called makeup and it changed her appearance rather drastically. Her eyes seemed to pop more and her skin was completely flawless. Her [url=https://i.pinimg.com/564x/2b/ec/8d/2bec8d2de5f9ce8e71f17b992f7526c0.jpg]hair[/url] had been swept back into a thick braid and adorned with some greenery that popped in her red hair. She took a deep breath and placed the [url=https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/621436998472695811/636709995618238529/af89eec50bcdaaea21f2e95e0971094a.jpg]mask[/url] on her face before stepping out of the room. In front of her was Risa and Kyran, the latter seeming to be lost in the beauty of Risa who was in fact a sight to behold. [color=1a7b30]”Kyran you should probably pick your jaw up off the floor before we leave.”[/color] She teased as she gave them both a smile.