[quote=@Tatterdemalion]POTENTIAL 0 “And here we see... the Great North American... Super-genius,” says Dame Sara Jimenez, Esq., in the most BBC voice imaginable. “Bereft of his limbs,” she explains to her camera, “during the all-important mating season, he meekly attempts... to elicit pity... in defiance of the Law of the Jungle.” The documentary is a good way not to think about that hug. Like... that wasn’t a goodbye, I’m vanishing to protect you hug, right? And on the flipside, that wasn’t a come feed me chocolate and ask me out again hug. That was... Euna is just... aaagh, it’s too confusing. Physical touch was simpler when she initiated it. “Once common throughout the Americas,” she drawls, grinning, “the Super-genius... faces new threats, such as chair legs to the face... which have restricted their habitat to the detention room in the Gears Foundation. It remains to be seen... whether they will overcome adversity, or end up being hit with a chair leg again...” It is a crime that this is not being streamed, because Sara’s Documentary Voice is a gift to humanity.[/quote] "Your speech patterns indicates that you are attempting to construct a documentary. Can I help?" said a voice from directly behind you. You've only seen Bode in glimpses until now, but [i]here he is[/i]. It's always intimidating to have someone appear out of invisibility so close to you, but underneath that cape Bode is physically extremely imposing. He's got an enormous sniper rifle and the bulk to wield it effectively and his inhuman three-lensed face communicates nothing of his intentions. "I have," he goes on, "an enormous stockpile of footage regarding the Creator that may assist you in your endeavour. As he always says: Information Wants To Be Free." [quote=@Phoe]If you're feeling charitable, you can agree that Euna's got a lot on her mind when she manages to find the break room and stumbles blindly to the coffee machine. The Gears Foundation, for whatever reason, used one of those old-timey vending machine designs that made you push a physical button before it shot a cup out at you and squirted the black death liquid into it, plus whatever cream and sugar you requested (your options were: too much, or not even close to enough. Euna always went with too much). She punches in the buttons and stands there like an idiot, waiting. Ok so if she remembers right they've got a sandwich machine in here too somewhere. Right over by, uh. Oh! That's... Angel-IKA, right? And that one is definitely Dominus. They're awfully close to each other, aren't they? And they're... oh. Oh! Um. Ok yeah. No. Sandwiches later. She'll just... just, you know, go now and... BZZZZT! Coffee's ready! "OH JEEZ I AM SO SORRY JUST IGNORE ME! SORRY! SORRY!"[/quote] You dash from the break room pursued by a violently thrown cup of scaldingly hot coffee. You dodge and curse yourself for doing it - if you had thought a little faster you might have been able to catch it out of the air. You are now sans coffee, sans sandwich, and in dire need of both. Protocol is clear: avoid fighting on an empty stomach if at all possible. So it falls to you, apex hunter of the modern world, to find something to eat before the mission. Tell me of your trials and tribulations as it comes to getting delivery to a flying battleship. Thus begins the mini-episode: Errant Orders A Pizza. [quote=@Balmas]His eyes are not on the can. He would love to have eyes on the can. Unfortunately, Locker has squatted right in front of his face, and he's pretty sure right now that his face could serve double purpose as a space heater. Oh. Right. Human interaction requires occasionally doing more than ogling. Damn. He looks up--and keeps looking up, holy [i]crap[/i]--and winces when he meets Locker's eyes. "Fuck, man. You look like you headbutted a belt sander. You alright?"[/quote] "Mm. Low priority. Apparently you're the one with brain problems," said Locker. He took a sip of the drink and then offered it to you again. "We're about to go fight Turbo Knight and Prometheus for the fate of the world. Do you want to come with, or are we going to have to leave you in a utility closet for the duration?" [quote=@eldest]"I think we're pretty close to it at the apotheosis of the orbit? Just need to get up about 22km in orbit and rotate the orbit by 3 degrees or so?" She mutters to herself, going through math as the countdown starts, air container sliding up to rest next to the Shogun.[/quote] While you're thinking of countdowns... The rocket fuelling finished a few minutes ago. You were expecting blast-off at any moment but it hasn't happened just yet. Rather than running for cover, Turbo Knight 2 is up there on the balcony, looking expectantly at the sky. She's waiting for something. For a moment she looks down at you, and it seems like she's waiting for something there as well. "Interesting," mused the Shogun. "You... think you could drop me off there when we go up? After we've solved this problem I think I'm due for a vacation."