[hr][hr] [center][color=696969][h1]Bethany Bell[/h1][/color] [img]https://media0.giphy.com/media/o0VVs736skEw/giphy.gif[/img] [I][color=696969]Location: Galactus' Ship, Skills: Shadow Manipulation[/color][/i][/center] [hr][hr] Bethany shrugged slightly at Mary, she wasn't going to actually suggest it though if she was Galactus she would just eat all of the uninhabited planets instead of ones much like Earth. [color=696969]"Pluto would give him a really nice brain freeze or something though just saying."[/color] Bethany said before dropping the subject all together. And followed behind Warlock towards the door, and turned towards Pietro and smirked a little bit at the reference. Though she didn't like the idea of being in Galactus' little petting zoo for the rest of her life if he did end up eating Earth completely. [color=696969]"Cabin In The Woods is a really awesome movie to."[/color] Bethany said, as soon as they were in front of the door she looked towards the others, the Ultimate Nullifer should be on the other side. "I'll step through first." Bethany said as she shadow traveled herself through the other end of the room seeing The Silver Surfer there, just in time to see him blast something invisible. She had to assume that it was probably Carolina, no one else on the team had invisible powers, and astral projection was the closest thing. The vision that Allison saw had just happened. She quickly held up her hands in a non threatening manner, and then removed the faceplate of her helmet looking at The Silver Surfer. [color=696969]"I just want to talk before you blast me is all. We just want to save our planet before Galactus eats it."[/color] Bethany said calmly. [hr][hr] [center][h1][color=cyan]Carolina Reed[/color][/h1] [img]http://68.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_m3u59yAbBa1r4kfic.gif[/img] [I][color=cyan]Location: Galactus' Ship Skills: Astral Projection[/color][/I][/center] [hr][hr] Carolina turned to see one of the Chitauri had seen her attacking the others, and instantly turned and attacked the one she had been controlling and instantly was pushed back into her normal body. Breathing heavily as Carolina felt it briefly and seeing where she had been the Chitauri that she controlled was completely gone now. She was just happy that it wasn't actually her own body, and quickly flew over using the suit to get to the other side of the room. She stopped and turned her head briefly seeing Annie's hands sparking with fireworks a bit which was really interesting to see. [color=cyan]"I think that's a new power maybe."[/color] Carolina said to her, she was glad that her friend got something pretty cool. As soon as the doors opened Carolina went on through and looked up at the door that was above them. [color=cyan]"I think that's where we need to go to. Let me go and check whats on the other end first though."[/color] Carolina said as she astral projected herself again, and went through the next room. Seeing the Silver Surfer was standing right there what appeared to be a computer consoles of sorts scattered around the room with the Ultimate Nullifier right there as well. [i]"I can see you."[/i] The Silver Surfer said, and then blasted her out of the room, and quickly went back to her body looking at the others. [color=cyan]"So the Silver Surfer is on the other side, but the Nullifier is there with him to.."[/color] Carolina said softly, still surprised that he even saw her in the first place since no one ever saw her astral form at all.