[center]On your phone or PC is a message Justice League; Immportant (An this is the really Important part you have to open it or like a door you can’t get into the rp) [hr] [h1]"Miami Baby!"[/h1] Says the most femine voice you’ve heard [img]http://i.huffpost.com/gen/1077822/images/o-MIAMI-SKYLINE-facebook.jpg[/img] [h2]TITANS SOUTH[/h2] [hr][/center] TEXT: [list][i][color=dodgerblue]Miami a city on the edge in more ways than even the people who lived there imagined. Barely above sea level at one of the most active storm zones. A point on the sea lanes notorious for smuggling A concentration of money both legal and less Oh and lets not forget the random crack in space time Warning this can get strange[/color][/i][/list] [center]~This is the base at the edge of chaos and not all the encounters will be bad guy good guy, lost in translation kind of mixed bag~ Purs the voice [/center] Hi hi I'm Wendy callsign Blondie and at present the one saddled with Leadership of Titans South… ~leaves it hanging in the air for a moment~ Please feel free to vote me out ~The image of one of America’s most famous and only active Meta SuperModel shows a playful smirk as she dares you.~ You may have seen me in magazines, a music video, the news, or some other visual media… ~Giggles~ I am taking advantage of the PR it generates which is sort of how I am saddled with the post of fearless leader. Great thing is I'm 16 and the money I make doing all of it gives me full emancipation; just ask my lawyers ~Fans a set of business cards like a trick card magician then by sleight of hand vanish~ Well first off we buy your discord, emails, and other methods available for sale and if you join one of the perks we can make sure no one else ever does. Next is that from what the scouts say about you you're a good guy... ~Looks briefly like the ditzy blond~ I know some good guys that are well too serious and a bad girl who is fun to hang out with as long as you have nothing to steal so lets say they seen your criminal records and or other information in the fusion center and they still put you on the list. ~Camera somehow follows her up the stairs of a lavish open floor plan into a green house balcony / rooftop where she plops down in one of those huge bowl shaped chairs so popular in tropical decorating. She is clad in only a racing swimsuit that says in bold letters. [center][h2]NIKE SECOND PLACE IS FIRST LOSER[/h2][/center] Well then down to business ~"WHY THE CALL" Flashes below her image~ We are contacting you directly as you may have never even known to contact us as it is a nonstandard offer. ~Lifts a hand and removes a drink from a tray / drone that drifts off silently~ You are not in the recognized majority and are a Meta like me or a person from another world or dimension with gifts that scare the hell out of the general public and have the law riding you mostly for doing what is right within your power. I'm a known gift type; I am a PHC meaning Peak Human Condition, or as the Flash teases me "Perfect". ~Pouts for the screen then her smile is like sunrise~ I need you and on this I am serious because you see I am barely keeping up with half the extra dimensional incursion we have in Miami and most of Florida when they get past me Can we pay you? No we can't because of how we not yet the majority are controlled. We operate more as a Club to get around the laws but part of that is that we might find the Justice league dropping in because they are vouching our actions. ~Giggle~ I have Lawyers and our Patroness is always a call away Our Patroness is Jesse Winchester also called Drifter and a proponent of the rights of people with gifts ~Image shifts to a woman few people haven't seen as the founder of Drifter Ltd clad in a high-tech Vacsuit on a launch pad begin to fly and six 1 ton cargo pods chase her into the sky~ If you haven't heard of Jesse then That's okay but she's funding us and also a lot of out stuff is testbeds for her manufacturing companies ~Says Wendy now soaking in bubbling water a mischievous smile dancing in her eyes ~ You will be granted private space amounting to 6,500 square feet to call your own then you get to look through the catalogs of Magus Drifter Ltd's manufacturing and pick from anything among the 95,000 products they handle either as source or distributor. We do limit you to the type of vehicle rated on your licensing. Oh we help you earn your Licenses You may have guests but no sleepovers without prior approval. And Yes I know it’s an unreasonable restriction but remember what I said about the adults believing they have absolute control? Now my Lawyers are hungry for active work but let's try not to push that button. We do have the Gloria the Titans Yacht 265 feet Twin hulled and a foil rider able to reach a nice 100 knots but normally cruises around 20 knots. Sleeps 24 and she’s autonomas as she’s controlled Bank of Computers but the treasure is the Triplex Built Android Amanda (Triplex is a company that builds high end Military systems and a Wanye Enterprises subsidiary) If you aren’t into the huge water craft or motorized we have a dock that has 23 separate small craft under 30 feet and 5 sailboats. ~Giggle once more~ Lot of privacy at sea ~Soft yet serious expression~ Hate to say it but every place needs but membership does grant you the backing of the justice league. ~Motions the camera closer~ We scare the hell out of them too because they know how difficult it is to actually control us We have to be above board but not as square. ~Camera is pushed back~ Listen I have no idea what I'm doing here or how they expect me to tell you guys what to do, I do know that in 1994 the found a strange wheel of Post Holes while preparing the ground for a beach front. It was originally an archeological “What’s this?” till 1 year ago when I was staying at the hotel built near what is now a state park where the holes are. There I was enjoying a short vacation when I chose to visit the park next to the hotel and 3 people disappeared. Curious and local as well as determined I set to work; I got nothing but then as I walked through the park in the places the police would allow a girl walked up to me dressed in odd clothing. Long story short she was a smart apprentice priestess, she was lost on this side of the Rift and needed my help returning home which is where it turns out the 3 people disappeared. Then about 7 months ago a kid found a powerful artifact, Then there was the dimensional travelers slash pirates slash slavers, and those were but 3 of around 21 known events. This is why I need you as well as your help with the cartels and other common bad guys.. Scene cut: ~She’s now dressed in skintight black an white motorcycle suit with a belt and harness showing bulky pouches, batons, taser, and what looks like a pistol as she straddles [url=https://i.gyazo.com/445442c1b78c4bd578c3d2407d504b03.png ]Black and White Electric Bike[/url]~ Miami is a place to just enjoy yourself in a world that is almost always summer. ~She wiggles into her helmet and flips up the visor at the touch of a button then says~ Well gotta go on patrol, hope to see you soon ~Then Visor down she rocks the bike to face an opening garage door added near silence intrudes a babble of police and fire radios just before she launches from the garage in near silence the computer controlled acceleration refusing to surrender a moment of power to anything but acceleration.~ [hr] [@Sanity43217][@olcharlieboi][@Double][@Dnafein][@soren] [hr] Now that you've seen my attempt Lets think of why you want to be a Titan because remember complain all you want no one can make you stay "If You Want" You can write your first post about seeing the strange file that didn't blow up your phone or file limit but in the end we all need to meet up so we can get started