[center][h2][color=rosybrown][i]Willowa Turnas[/i][/color][/h2][img]http://66.media.tumblr.com/51fc61ac770a524e9468f174afa94d7f/tumblr_inline_n1xc79Kcic1rb3m8r.png[/img][/center] The notion that this muted visage of innoence was the very being that empowered the Abyss to be capable of holding it's many inhabitants as powerless subjucts to lupine oppresion was almost laughable, but just standing next to her made it clear there was something unnatural about her even with present company included. She had yet to find a creature who could present themselves as the picture of innocence and not immediately shatter the facade to try and bite her head off, but Pandora had passed up a perfect opportunity to gobble down Willowa's fingers. Seeing nothing better was going to come of it for now, she bid Pandora goodbye with a smirk and a tiny wave before whirling about and contemplating the tasks set before them. Alighting upon the still intact werewolf at their feet, she considered lending her potions to that task before thinking better of it. [color=rosybrown]"If not a one of us you can take the flames nurtured through your imprisonment and light a fire under that mutt hot enough to make it talk, then and only then will I waste a concoction on loosening it's lips."[/color] After all, between several nigh immortal beings, one of them must have learned something of torture. Still, to offer something to the preceedings she feigned a yawn, arms reaching high to stretch upwards, only to flick her hand back and launch a dervish of gleaming metal. A dagger plated in silver stabbed into the ground a hairsbreadth from it's neck. After all, no alchemist could work with only tools of steal, iron, and wood. A bit of silver and gold were needed for the more delicate work. [color=rosybrown]"I expect that back~"[/color] That left her with the task of making something useful out of the downed wolves. Certainly they couldn't stand up and fight for them, but they still lived and they were properly restrained, so if nothing else they were prime candidates for experimenting on. Her focus drifted to the sole inhabitant that bare any trace of humanity and, adopting a pleased expression, she approached Emperor Velo and greeted him with a short bow. [color=rosybrown]"I do hope you'll forgive my sudden request, but would you care to aid me in a little project with the mutts? You see, I've been struck with a delightful idea to strip them of their human intellect and render them beasts of pure instinct who would naturally submit to our greater power, but that would also entail a tiresome amount of posturing and one bad day could have them turn against us. I won't insult you by pretending to fully grasp your technology, but perhaps we could use it in conjunction with my elixer to firmly control a number of wolves to serve as our enforcers? The greatest result for the least effort, and you'd have the honor of programming the first in our no doubt considerably bevy of forces to command."[/color]