[center][img]https://images-na.ssl-images-amazon.com/images/I/41441OldiKL._AC_SX466_.jpg[/img][/center] [b][right]Oslo // Midgard [sup]Coulsons Questions by [@HenryJonesJr][/sup][/right][/b] The small man sat opposite Thor, two collections of parchment sat atop the table that was between them. One bore the insignia of this ‘S.H.I.E.L.D’ that this Agent Phil Coulson belonged to while the other one bore another, the other appeared to be a much older file one that he could barely read. Had the mortals of this realm truly forgotten how the ways of the nine realms worked? When an Asgardian showed up on Midgard there was some mighty foe in need of smiting. Yet they seemed to have a way on how to do things. Thor had decided he would play along with this small man, at least for the time being. There was still information he sought. [color=#a4c2f4]“We are wasting time with your games little man. I shall humor you little man, ask your questions quickly so we may begin our quest to discover this threat to the nine realms.”[/color] [color=#f9cb9c]“Yea, yea. Grave threat to the realm. I’m sure Gandalf will want to know. You hit your head or something when you teleported out of whatever Renaissance Fair you came from?[/color]” [color=#6d9eeb]“Who is this-”[/color] Before Thor could finish discovering where he could find this ‘Gandalf’ the impatient little man began again. [color=#f9cb9c]“Anyway, how does the hammer work out there? Some sort of tech that imprinted on you?”[/color] [color=#a4c2f4]“Mjolnir was forged within the fires of a dying star out of Uru, the strongest metal known to all beings by the dwarves of Nidavellir, enchanted by Odin so that only whoever is worthy may lift it and within it the power of the Mother Storm.”[/color] [color=#f9cb9c]“Mhm,”[/color] the agent looked at the god sideways. [color=#f9cb9c]“And what’s it do? We need to gauge your destructive capabilities.”[/color] Thor looked at the agent for a second. He raised his hand in a grasping motion, gasps and crashing noises could be heard from outside before a section of the wall broke. The hilt of Mjolnir flying straight into the hand of Thor, a rumbling could be heard in the skies above. [color=#a4c2f4]“Mjolnir is gifted with the power of the Mother Storm, it is a tool in which I can channel my powers or simply wield with strength to knock down foes. I have killed more beings that threatened the nine realms than years I have lived, which is saying something. More than you ever could in your short life-span. Though tell me now, what is the cause of all your questions? In the days of old when one of the Gods came to Midgard and brought news of a worthy cause warriors fought for the chance to prove themselves worthy of a place in Valhalla! Now you bring me here and ask me questions?”[/color] If the agent was impressed or frightened by Thor’s show of power, he made no show of it, [color=#f9cb9c]“Maybe you are who you say you are. I don’t know. Heavens know we have our fair share of weird here on planet Earth. But if you really are ‘Thor’, you should know that we humans have created our own way of life. We have our own ways of improving our world. And anyone or anything that threatens to up turn that way of life could be seen as a threat. I’m here to assess whether you’re a threat, or a friend. So far, I’m not sure.”[/color] [color=#a4c2f4]“Aye. I was told that your people have created a world full of marvels and more laws than stars in the sky. Ask what you will Son of Coul. I will prove myself to you to be the noble warrior I say I am, I only threaten harm to those who would harm Midgard and her people.”[/color] [color=#f9cb9c]“Good, that’s good,”[/color] Coulson nodded. [color=#f9cb9c]“If that’s the case, and you are who you say you are, why now? Why stay away for so long and pop up without warning?”[/color] [color=#a4c2f4]“There was a time where war raged between the nine realms of Yggdrasil. While Asgard swears to protect the nine realms, there are those that would seek to wage war, conquer and torment. A war of the realms raged on Midgard centuries ago, in the Aftermath a treaty was signed between the Nine Realms. My brother Loki-”[/color], There was obvious disdain on Thor's face as he mentioned his elder brother.[color=#a4c2f4] “-capitulated to Asgards enemies, entering a clause that while not being from Jotunheim, Svartalfheim and Musphelheim can set foot on Midgard nor can any Asgardian. In order to ensure the treaty was enforced the Greek Olympians were paid handsomely to ensure the peace, less wars rage on eternally.” [/color] Thor lowered his hammer down on the right hand side of his chair. The chair creaked slightly as he moved in it, no doubt he looked like some form of fool on such a small chair. [color=#f9cb9c]“And you think this peace is going to be broken?” Coulson’s eyebrows raised. “That someone is looking to start trouble and throw the realm into chaos?”[/color] Thor nodded. [color=#a4c2f4]“Heimdall can see things moving in a direction that could threaten to turn the World Tree and all nine realms to ash, the Dwarve Seers from Nidavellir have pointed to Midgard as the next and most important target. That is why I am here now, in order to discover this threat and end it before it brings ruin to all our worlds.”[/color] Thor left out the part about Beta-Ray Bill, calling him a demon after a ‘demon’ had attacked him. No doubt his mind had been addled by grief and rage, confusing him. No Asgardian could be responsible for such butchery. [color=#f9cb9c]“Any idea on what timeframe we’re looking at? Location of an attack? Source? Anything at all will help.”[/color] Thor shook his head solemnly. [color=#a4c2f4]“Nay.”[/color] He looked at Coulson, now he understood why the man sought to weigh him down with questions. It had been centuries since the Gods had set foot on Midgard, and men had taken their protection into their own hands. Coulson was not merely a warrior, he was a Guardian for Midgard. [color=#a4c2f4]“Perhaps the norns have plans for us after all. You are here, and you are a protector of this realm are you not? Help me on my quest. Unlike my [i]father[/i] and others of our kind I have fought beside Mortals before and would do it again-”[/color] Thor laughed. [color=#a4c2f4]“-if I were to know where Jarnbjorn has ended up then it would truly be like the days of old.”[/color] The request for the weapon seemed to put Coulson on a more defensive footing, [color=#f9cb9c]“Yea, well, I’ll have to get in touch with someone higher up about that. But it looks like I’m stuck with your case. So don’t worry, I’ll be making sure you don’t leave my sight. Not until we find out what’s really going on.”[/color] [color=#a4c2f4]“I can fly us higher up if need be, but what is it you wish too-” [/color]There was a loud explosion nearby, screams followed. Sounds of panic and chaos as the entire building they were in erupted in a flurry of activity. [color=#6d9eeb]“Son of Coul. The time for talk is over-” [/color]Hand outstretched as he stood up, Mjolnir came flying back to his hand from where he had put it down. [color=#a4c2f4]“-now is the time for action. Come! Let us wage battle!”[/color]