[center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/200311/6d63481844fa0ac40bd22cd8a5b632b9.png[/img] [color=chocolate][b]Location: East Hillhaven - Orc Trading Caravan[/b][/color][/center] "[b]Well I'll be, ya'll been up' inna mountains lately haven'cha?[/b]" Cresta cried out to the group of ten or so orcs sitting around the shanty wooden tables they had set up around their stagecoaches and mercantile carts on the less paved pat of Hillhaven. Most orcs liked the feeling of grass and dirt between their bare toes. "[color=yellowgreen]Mmn, we have to see what exactly what resources are available. There's leftover scales, loose teeth, and some dragonstone as well, but a few draka have remained and probably will be staying til winter so we only go once every few days.[/color]" The tallest orc of the group spoke out, he was dressed in ceremonial orcish garments with an exposed torso which was marred by three deep claw marks. "[b]Ah, ah well ya'll be careful. Ye' greenies are good strong-bodied peoples. We can't ford'a lose ya'.[/b]" Cresta tipped her hat to To'ki'to the alpha orcish man. "[color=yellowgreen]I appreciate the concern mayor, you take care of yourself as well.[/color]" To'ki nodded back before returning his attention to the table where him and other orcs were fiddling with the dragon parts on the table. Cresta patted the side of her white-black speckled stallion giving him the signal to tread deeper into their little corner of the town, two boys and a little orcish girl had been chasing eachother and roughhousing in the soft tilled soil along the rear of their of the encampment. The mayor clicked her tongue and shook her head at the little ones, then looked at the largest structure of orcish design in Hillhaven. It was a mobile structure, it's design includes large wheels set outside the body, each side sloped outward a great amount as they rise toward the eaves. Beyond this characteristic, there were tightly strung animal hides around it displayed out to the summer sun to tan- and very large rib bones stuck into the ground almost like a fence around the structure. The mayor slid off the side of her horse and stroked her hand along his neck a few times before whispering to herself, and him "Real quick, I promise." in which the stallion just huffed out before clacking over to a small man-made pond to begin drinking water. Cresta then slowly approached the orcish vardo, knocking on a small wooden post near its entrance before entering past the rib fence to make her presence known. As she reached the barkwood door, she pressed it open to enter. Inside the vardo was smoky, a gray haze filled it entirely as if someone had been cooking all day without venting the place out. But the smell was nice. herbal, a shamanistic ritual was taking place here. As Cresta pressed deeper inside the residence, navigating past tables with various bones and herbs on them and other orcish furniture she eventually found a really-really-really-really large Orc woman sitting in front of her stonefire oven with her eyes rolled back. Her skin was paler than many of the other orcs, her hair matted into long dreads that reached the wooden floor. "[color=forestgreen]C- C- C- C- C- Cresta~ Whadda'ya'doin'ere?[/color]" The shamaness asked still in her spirit ritual. "[b]M'glad ye' finally made it Ba Ba. Iz figured ye' woulda' swung by the town hall when ye' got'ere. Guess'n ye' still getting used ta' Hillhaven life?[/b]" The mayor asked with a much more relaxed town, looking around before leaning back and resting her elbows on a nearby tabletop. The extra large orc shamaness snapped back into reality, her big brown eyes now glossy as they regained focus as she turned around to look at the head honcho of the little pioneer town. Ba Ba reached for a large drinking skin full of firewater taking a few sips before standing walking over the table herself, the weight of her footsteps creaking the floorboards. She let out a large grunty exhale, offering the skin to Cresta who widened her sights at the opportunity of some fine home-brewed drinking. "[color=forestgreen]Justa'been'doin'dis.[/color]" Ba Ba canted her head to the ritual tapestry laid across the floor, which had the old heart of some creature laying atop of it- along with some black wax candles. Cresta took a big of firewater before handing it back to the shamaness. "[b]Looks grim, guess'n that's over now'e?[/b]" The mayor raised one loft eyebrow as if egging Ba Ba on, the hat dipping back as she looked up at her. "[color=forestgreen]Fine. Da'saloon'll do.[/color]" The orc shamaness finally admitted defeat, accepting the mayor's invitation to actually set foot in the [b]town[/b] of Hillhaven.