[hider=Most Hallowed Sovereignty of Luchmeyern] [img]https://i.imgur.com/QjfKCRF.png[/img] [b]Name of Nation:[/b] Most Hallowed Sovereignty of Luchmeyern [b]Species:[/b] Luchmeyer: As their cousins the Owcans, the Luchmeyer straddle the line between physical and arcane. Unlike the Owcans, however, the Luchmeyer were not made with fine craftsmanship to exude grace, but rather were forced into their form by sheer power and built for strength. They were made of the same clay that was found on the banks of the rivers, and were then imbued by the same divine spark that brought to life all the living creatures of the world. Luchmeyer, due to the circumstance of their creation, are a massive, towering species, reaching on average 275 centimetres, with some reaching as high as 300 and as low as 240. They are similar in form to the Owcans, they having a shared creation, excepting that the legs of the Luchmeyer are hyperproportionally thick, in part due to their larger size. While Owcans live long lives of 100 consistent years, Luchmeyer were built en masse, with more variety between each form, and may exist for anywhere between 35 and 45 years on average. Furthermore, their greater size means more energy is output at any moment, and thus they must sleep for about 12 hours each day. Their genes, due to their nature, are hypercompatible with those of other peoples, but the impurities within them result in low fertility rates, which may only be maintained by the possession of many partners. Owcan: See Owca Humans [b]Population (as of last census; census data not completely accurate):[/b] Total: 49,672,651 Luchmeyer: 24,836,325 Owcan: 8,278,775 (≈10% free) Human: 12,418,163 (≈30% free) Other minorities: 4,139,388 (notable: Yuukoman, Lasagnon, Chevoiere) [hider=Culture and Society] Luchmairisch culture is as complex as it is long, and as long as it is storied. Legends tell of a time when the world was created of primal matter, and gods lived among their creations. It is from these origins that the Luchmeyer were born, moulded from the wet earth itself like statues from clay. They were given the spark of the divine, given flesh and blood and most importantly, the power of leadership, and, if the stories are to be trusted, tasked with keeping the world in order under their rule. The Luchmeyer see themselves as a greatest superior species, naturally more inclined to leadership compared to their peers in sentience. Furthermore, it is the rightful and just path for the Luchmeyer to extend their noble cause to the far ends of the earth, by as violent a means as is necessary for all the creatures of the earth to recognize their rule. To this day, the Luchmeyer work towards this goal, piece by piece, life by life, in search of that ultimate end. To achieve this end, the Luchmeyer, in ancient days, participated in the practice of pillaging, sailing on far shores via thousands of longships to land and raid the villages of other sovereignties. The practice was so widespread on the coasts of Owca that the Owcan peoples make up a majority of the population of Luchmeyern, usually in the position of a serf in service to a Luchmairisch lord. For the Luchmeyer, the act of raiding was seen as a demonstration of strength, one of their highest virtues. Wealth in the Luchmairisch tradition is still measured in two capacities, those being land and serfs. Any Luchmeyer who is dispossessed of any serfs were seen as weak and unfit to rule, which in some circles holds up today. The practice, in the modern theatre of Luchmairisch society, is regarded as rather quaint and provincial, though not barbaric. The princes in the Circle of Ostbeag, however, are loath to give up this way of life, and the goddess has not yet forbidden them from continuing. In deciding the fate of the serf, a Luchmeyer might consider keeping the serf, and their potential labour output for themselves, or feeding the serf into the complex and weblike system of feudalism that dominates the Luchmairisch way of life. A serf, being the property of their capturer, may thus be gifted to either a Luchmeyer's vassal or their liege lord, both of which one might have multiple of. It is expected, in fact, that when raiders return home with their share of serfs, that as much as half of it would inevitably be given as tribute upwards through the system, which itself is rather loose and prone to alteration due to a great many factors. From Thane to Rider to Baron to Margrave to Herzog and all the way up to the grandiose Elector-Princes, a serf could be kicked through all the various courtesies, honoraries, and titles to the dreaded Goddess of the Luchmeyer herself. The goddess is the center of the Luchmairisch world, the primary object of their worship. She exists as the focus of all Luchmairisch culture, and indeed, as perhaps the foundation upon which Luchmairisch life is built around. Her influence stretches down to little details, such as their day cycle, and all the way up to the machinations of her closest advisors. When she awakes in the morning is the definition of the beginning of the day, whether the sun is high in the sky or yet before the horizon. Her waking is marked by the ringing of the bells, wherein her palace would ring a massive bell at the top of its highest spire, the sound of which would be carried into neighboring manors, and would theoretically radiate out to the furthest corners of the kingdom. By the strange and powerful laws imposed upon her by the hands of fate, she is possessed of the strength of ten Luchmairisch riders, already very strong in their own right. Her skin cannot be pierced by any known means, and her bones neither bend nor break. Furthermore, her body does not respond to any poison she ingests. She is widely thought to be immortal, with only the ten elector-princes of the realm knowing otherwise. Indeed, the fact of the goddess' mortality is the best kept secret in the whole of Luchmeyern, and lest their entire society collapse, it had best stay that way. Yet, even in the heartlands, the goddess' rule is under challenge by improper beliefs. Centuries of rising and falling waves of heterodox thought crash like waves against the bulwark of the faith, punctuated by periods of military conflict, of elector against elector, some even daring to raise forces against the armies of the goddess. By far the most influential of these was the Invisiblist controversy, which has taken root in the marches of Luchmeyern and threatens even the ecclesiarchy with its massive presence. Invisiblists were the result of long syncretism with neighbouring cultures harbouring their own faiths, which have been mixed with that of the traditional faith. Invisiblists believe that the gods of the other peoples of the world, rather than being dead, have instead been rendered invisible, and thus still worthy of worship from the living. The Großochener in the east had a habit of rejecting the industrialization of the modern world, and the Untaflußer in the south would occasionally set a few serfs alight in rituals to appease the volcano god of the Murdakeets. No matter how many missionaries the goddess would send into her marches, or how many heretical archpriests she sentenced to the most gruesome of deaths, the Invisiblists never seem to be completely stamped out. Indeed, Invisiblism is of particular contention within the free corporations of the sovereignty. Noble lands are protected under the Edict of Witslenberg, decriminalizing but not allowing the worship of other entities by landowners secondary to the goddess herself. The various corporations within the realm, on the other hand, have always been a hotbed of religious and societal conflict, and the elevation of a corporation into the status of a free corporation merely turned the societal troubles up. A corporation, most usually, is created when a collection of degans with limited serfs between them would form a collective settlement, pooling their serf labour together into the formation of a shared land bond, and then petitioning a lord for a grant of land. Corporations are generally ruled as a council of equals among the degans, choosing between themselves their leader in time increments. A corporation may then be "freed" by the goddess herself, the which they may transcend their feudal contract with whatever lord granted them land and become subservient only to the goddess herself. Their relative autonomy in an already autonomous nation results in a flurry of new ideas and concepts being created within, and indeed, some far too radical to be accepted anywhere else. Freedoms, however, are few and far between for the Luchmairisch people. Society was, as ever, a complex web of privileges, subservience, and rule. The common Luchmeyer is possessed of a liege to serve, serfs to rule over, and a faith to keep to always. The fortunate ones would be granted an estate in the country, with fertile land to farm and fertile farmers. The less so must reside within the courts of their liege, or worse, wander the land in search of one. For most of them living outside the domains of the free corporations, that would have to be enough. [/hider] [hider=History] The dawn of Luchmeyern is considered to be the first day of the first year of the goddess' birth, some three thousand five hundred years years ago. In reality, such a statement is rather vague and ill-definable. The earliest mentions of Luchmairisch history are indeed found in texts dating back three and a half thousand years, but these texts are disparate, coming from a great many peoples, tending to contradict each other or reference events there are no other records of. As many as fifteen great tribes were known to have existed in the area which today is core Luchmairisch land, each one purporting to be ruled by a sole god or goddess. It is immediately evident that even in these early periods, the Luchmairisch religion's key components are recognizable, suggesting either a shared cultural history, or extensive cultural diffusion among the various tribes. However, these tribes were as well possessed of their own superstitions and rituals, many of which are still preserved today in local practice. The first definitive texts regarding a unified Luchmairisch kingdom are predicted to have come from the 18th century pre-BR. However, even these are very contradictory, and still shrouded in myth. Nearly all primary sources from the period recall a legend of eight chiefs meeting in a congress and swearing loyalty to "the rightful and only god of the Luchmeyer", soon after destroying the remainder. As to whether this god was Olblautter, Sentralander, or Innarlander, nobody can say. The sources are vague on the matter, perhaps intentionally so. Further readings show extensive tinkering with magic around this time, and mining the [/hider] [b]Economy:[/b] [hider=Army] The army, as most of the Luchmairisch wings of government, are yet steeped in the traditionalist view of the people. The organization of the army was certainly trapped in legacy systems of the feudalistic age, and even in the modern era of professional armies. The power of the Luchmairisch forces are in large part split into hundreds of tiny constituent parts, usually in service to a lord or a priest. Merit certainly holds more sway in the modern army than centuries in the past, but the practice of promotion by merit is still relatively inflexible. Ultimately, the most effective way of climbing the ranks is via a land grant. It is generally considered that the army is organized, albeit unofficially, into three wings. The first, and officially, the only representative army, is the Land Warriors of the Sovereignty, assembled by a cobbling together of the forces of the nine elector circles, as well as the militia of the free corporations in times of emergency. However, the clergy fields its own forces as well, under the banner of the Shield of the Holy Path, comprised exclusively of Luchmeyer. However, the most powerful of the three is undoubtably the Order of the Goddess' Own, the only fully professional wing of the army, in service directly to the goddess alone. Mercenaries supplement the army compositions of all three wings, but most are considered to be under the direct patrimony of the goddess. Landwehr: The landwehr is the most commonly occurring unit far and away in any Luchmairisch army, at least those consisting of Luchmairisch stock. A landwehr is drawn most commonly from the landless Luchmeyer of the "degan" class, usually a resident of a corporation or in the court of their liege lord. Landwehrs are uniformed in a white tunic, accented in orange, as well as either orange tights or stockings. While landwehrs are generally expected to provide their own sword, they are issued with a musket, affixable with bayonet. Landwehrs are considered generally untrained or as an unwilling participant in battle, owing to their swifter training process, but it is these bodies who serve on the front lines of an engagement. Huskarl: The huskarl is more mobile and generally more experienced than their landwehr counterparts. Unlike the landwehr, which fought exclusively in tight line formations and occasionally bunched columns, the huskarl is trained in a variety of formations, including cavalry squares, spread ranks, and of course, line. A formation of huskarls are generally positioned in front of a formation of landwehr, and thus would be the first to engage an enemy rank. Thus, the more crucial rank of huskarl is generally assigned on the grounds of merit. Huskarls may be recognized by their orange tunic, covered by a white tabard, and their sky blue tights or stockings. Liebgarde: The liebgarde is the most prestigious of the infantry units, yet it is also the most variable, for many exceptions exist to the stereotype. Liebgarde are hand picked by a noble officer, generally from the huskarls but not uncommonly from the landwehr, to serve as elite shock infantry and in dire situations to protect their liege lord. Thus, there exists a lesser standard of merit than in the huskarl ranks, though this is usually not the case. In addition to the training received by the huskarl, the liebgarde is also specially trained to fight in close quarters, and are characteristically equipped with a set of glass grenades, as well as a rifled gun. Liebgarde have the privilege of wearing a sky blue overcoat over a white tunic, with orange tights or stockings. Jager: The jager is a position usually reserved for minority races, but also assigned to Luchmeyer who have been stripped of their nobility, a common punishment for crimes. The people who make up this unit are usually human or Owcan, who have been converted to the faith of the goddess, by force if necessary. Commanders are usually distrustful of the loyalty of jager units, and often in history rightfully so, and thus jagers are as well accompanied by a regiment of huskarl behind them, specially designated "kommissar" units. Jagers serve the role of harassment and skirmishing, in which capacity they would serve alongside the huskarl, and in emergencies, are usually tossed into the middle of combat to buy time for some other formation's advancement. Their clothing is irregular, but they are marked by a woolen orange cap. Reiter: Landed degans are granted the unique right to request an aurochs from their liege lord. With this right comes a class of soldier called the "reiter", elite heavy infantry hearkening back to a time of knights and chivalry. Reiters are unmatched on the battlefield in the category of weight. A very heavy Luchmairisch soldier, garbed in a set of armour so thick it can block a bullet in certain circumstances, astride an aurochs of similar outfitting. These cavalrymen are the terror of line infantry, crashing into the flanks and rears of a formation like a scalpel through flesh, hacking with swords. Without question, the Luchmairisch reiters are the most able cavalry force in the world. Uhlan: Reiters, though impressive, are expensive to maintain, and are thus fielded sparingly. Far more common are the uhlans, a lighter alternative. Uhlans are given a proofed cuirass and helmet, but are otherwise dressed in the manner of a liebgarde. Their aurochs' are not usually barded. Rather than a sword, uhlans are granted a very long spear, that would serve similarly well in an engagement against infantry. The spears are long enough, theoretically, to poke at an enemy's cavalry square without charging head on, and sturdy enough to push enemy riders from their saddles, but this is too often not the case. Spears, in the end, are rather frequently replaced. Hussar: In the necessity of scouting and harassing, the hussar takes their position on the battlefield. Unarmoured and granted the uniform of the huskarl, hussars are usually given relatively free reign in both duty and dress. Hussars, generally, would take this opportunity to doll themselves up as much as reason would allow, adding accents to their uniform in garish colours and sporting a hat far too trendy for the battlefield. Hussars are most often equipped with a sword of their own providing, which serves as another object subject to their vanity. Hussars are also equipped with a carbine gun, and are expected to be able to shoot at enemies from the back of their aurochs. Disciplined hussars are few to come by, and thus are a prize each noble officer seeks to obtain. Tragen: The tragen are another wing of soldiers granted to minorities, usually jagers who have proven their loyalty in battle. A tragen is a unit led by a small set of kommissars, redirected from the reiter forces, and are otherwise staffed by aurochs each carrying three or four jagers. In a battle, the tragen would ride forwards, advancing quickly into a more advantageous position, and then dismount, serving afterwards as jager troops. Tragens, as a mark of their loyalty, are uniformed in sky blue caps instead of the usual orange. Artillery: Artillery is perhaps the least developed of the Luchmairisch army, generally consisting of irregular compositions and sizes. Some cannons have the dubious honour of being centuries old, and their barrels are frequently cracked with use. Luchmairisch artillery is unusually heavy, fielding balls of anywhere between 18 pounds at the lightest to just over 30 pounds. The goddess keeps within her personal retinue a unit of howitzers with a calibre of over 100 pounds, for the purpose of intimidating forts into submission. [/hider] [b]Navy:[/b] [b]Traits:[/b] [b]Foreign Relations:[/b] Yevrahza Continental League Burned Order Confederacion Angelica Empire of Yuukoman Chevoiere Legue Commonwealth of Rodynsha Enemies: Kingdom of Cogaidh Imperyivka Volstranlyudkovka Communes of Iethus Qarikha Anyueva Confederation of Dastria Republic of Astalia [b]Rolls:[/b] Land Area: 16 (S) Land Fertility: 10 (+3) Social Development: 15 Technological Development: 6 (S, +2) Land Power: 19 Naval Power: 17 (+2) Economy: 10 Magical Reserves: 4 (-10) Magical Sophistication: 13 (+3) [hider=Capabilities:] Societal Development: Technological Development: Economy: Land Power: Naval Power: Arcane Sophistication/Religious Strength: [/hider] [/hider]