Riley walked down the hallway, holding an axe Sophie gave him. Sophie's voice happily shattered the darkness, "Riley, come to the roof!" He quickly made his way to the roof where he saw Sophie in the closed doorway, waiting for him. "Come on, you need to shove her off of the roof for me," Sophie said in an oddly cheerful voice. Riley nodded and Sophie opened the door. Chloe was on the edge of the roof. Sophie put a finger to her lips telling him to keep quiet. She then urged Riley to lead which he did. Sophie's voice then calmly sung, "Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall... Humpty Dumpty had a great fall..." Chloe turned around and was face-to-face with Riley, right as he shoved he off of the roof. He grinned a psychotic grin and sing in a soft voice, "And all the king's horses.... and all the king's men.... couldn't put Humpty together again..." Sophie smirked as Riley walked back towards the door. "Hey Sophie, think I could do the last few kills?" Riley asked with an odd expression. "Sure," Sophie replied before asking, "But why do you want to?" Riley's psychotic grin returned as he glanced over at Sophie. "I guess I fell in love with killing them this way," was Riley's response. Sophie smiled and spoke, "Very well. Glad someone else enjoys my way of dealing with people." Riley started to walk downstairs when he heard the voices of two people. They were known as the textbook highschool sweethearts. He readied his axe as he heard them giggling and chatting. He had always compared Claire and Daniel to Jack and Jill so it was only fair. Riley approached them, hiding the axe behind his back. "Any luck on finding an exit?" Riley asked, acting innocent. Both of them shook their heads. Riley glared at them before preparing his axe and softly singing, "Jack and Jill went up a hill to fetch a pail of water... Jack fell down and broke his crown..." He swung the axe beheading Daniel and causing Claire to recoil in terror. He swung his axe again and hit Claire in the chest. He then finished singing, "And Jill came tumbling after."