[hr][hr][center][h3][b][color=AF2AFF]Zelda Flynn[/color][/b][/h3] [img]https://66.media.tumblr.com/c0c1a8c627f100b02b4a0322db1185f2/tumblr_n3wefw4UGM1ro8qtho2_250.gif[/img][hr][hr][b][color=AF2AFF]Location:[/color][/b] Compartment 13 [b][color=AF2AFF]Magic:[/color][/b] Charms [/center][hr] Zelda giggled slightly at Paige's reaction to her comment, but she fell silent as she heard the whistle of the sneak-o-scope as PAige pulled it out of her bag. [color=AF2AFF]"It could be picking up on just about anything... Who knows honestly right?"[/color] she said, shaking her head slightly, glancing over at Andre as he asked what it was and seemed to relax when Paige explained what it did. [color=AF2AFF]"She has a point... If it was detecting Merula as she said, it would have gone off when she was here earlier being her typical horrible self... So why would it start going off now... Though to be fair, those things are fairly finicky, not entirely trustworthy, so not really sure what we can do about it..."[/color] Her eyes grew wide however when she saw Paige start casting a spell, deciding to go off and see what she was able to. Zelda knew that Paige could be a bit reckless, and tended to get into trouble a lot, and knew that there was a chance that she'd get into more trouble by herself more then anything. Once Paige was gone, she let out a bit of a sigh, before standing up and pulling out her wand. [color=AF2AFF]"I need to stop her from getting into too much trouble... I hate the fact that I'm going to have a chance of running into my parents... But she'll cause a lot more problems for herself if she's alone, so I'm going to try and get her to come back to the compartment... See you in a little bit Andre,"[/color] she said, before she said the incantation for the disillusionment charm, blending into her surroundings like Paige did, and she followed after her out of the compartment.