[center] [img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/190803/551587858b8873ae5e55f126175e9712.png[/img] [sub][color=fff79a]Time[/color] ✿ Nighttime [color=fff79a]Location[/color] ✿ Apartment In Riverside [color=fff79a]Mentions[/color] ✿ [@Pilatus] [color=fff79a]Interactions[/color] ✿ [@Pilatus][/sub] [hr] [img]https://i.imgur.com/l2GJYX4.png[/img] When Manami peeked through the crack of the open door she wasn't met with some raving lunatic, instead she saw what looked like a blonde woman. She watched as the woman stepped back and flashed a silver star at her along with a gun that was nestled at her hip. Instantly Manami felt the tension that she'd been feeling melt away, she practically leaned against the door because she felt like her legs wouldn't be able to hold her up. With shaking hands the girl opened the door all the way, using deep breaths to try and calm her frazzled nerves, even with a marshal here she couldn't help the feeling of unease she was experiencing. [color=a187be]"I'm really sorry that you came all the way here I just...I really don't want to get a bunch of police involved."[/color] She said, stepping aside in case Paige wanted to go inside the apartment. She then realized that she hadn't even offered her own name...even though she was pretty sure that she had said it in her initial text message. [color=a187be]"Manami...though that's probably obvious...."[/color] Now that she had someone there who could help her Manami felt awkward and out of words. She had to remind herself that she needed to inform this nice woman of what had just happened. [color=a187be]"Sorry, I'm all out of it. Whoever is doing this bolted just a minute ago...he kept banging on my door and rambling nonsense. He had a key to my door and I don't even know how he got a hold of one."[/color] She was just saying whatever came to mind weather it might have made sense or not, she was beginning to feel anxious and honestly just wanted to leave her apartment. She would finish packing, leave a very angry voicemail for the apartment owner and find a very secure hotel to stay in. She honestly didn't care if she had to spend ungodly amounts of money, if it made her feel better than she'd pay whatever. Manami bounced from one foot to the other, running a hand through her hair. [color=a187be]"I uh, I'm not sure how this works. I know your gonna ask questions and I'm sorry if I'm just kinda....frazzled. I really do appreciate you coming here though...even if it might have been out of your way."[/color] Manami suddenly felt bad, instead of doing the easy thing and calling the police she probably had taken Paige away from whatever she had been doing to come help her. [/center]