[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/L2u7rYx.png[/img] [h2][color=red]Akane Yurei[/color][/h2] [/center] Things were not going well. No not at all. A fair distance from the conflict, the MFF had set up a temporary command of several vehicles, and it was from here that Akane Yurei was observing the battle and giving orders. "Estimated evacuation at 65%." "Divert more manpower from fighting. Our weapons are doing little out there." Too slow. "Casualties at 5%, but many are struggling to free comrades trapped by Goomie's body, slowing the evac." "Cementaion less than 1% coverage. Air strike on the way." As a certain jet screamed across the sky, carrying it's payload, a squadron of old crop-duster styles planes passed between Goomie and the water, scattering a powdered mix of concrete and desiccant. [color=red]I hope your plan works, commander, because if it doesn't, we might have to resort to more drastic measures.[/color] Akane thought. An alarm suddenly blared, making everyone jump. The nearest operator checked their screen and gasped. "What?! Bogy inbound! It's...Terrorkeet!" Akane was too tired to be surprised. [color=red]"Of course it is."[/color] She sighed. [color=red]"Gat me a visual."[/color] She watched with interest as Yeshua faced down Goomie. What others heard as squawks and bubbly rumblings, Akane understood as the GMGs conversing. Clearly, Goomie was, as their records indicated, not very bright. Reasoning with her would be difficult unless they could really get her attention with something. Unfortunately, all she wanted was the one thing they couldn't give her, and that was people. "Evac at 70...2%." "Goo inbound!" Eyes flicked to the windows as a wall of goo was pushing down the street they were on. [color=red]"Activate countermeasures."[/color] Akane said, distractedly. From the sides, four parked cement trucks suddenly popped open, spilling their loads. MFF members armed with flamethrowers stepped forward and created a wall of flame, burning away the goo and quickly drying the cement. Meanwhile, wheels screeched as the convoy jumped into motion, putting more distance between them and the goo monster. The tide temporarily stemmed, the flames cut off and their holders hopped into cars to follow the command. "Evac at 76%." Another alarm. "We have...another GMG." The MFF agent said in a small voice. "Name...unknown...abilites...unknown...threat level...unknown." The air grew cold. A display popped up in screen. Akane studied her. She was some form of mermaid? A siren, perhaps. "W-what should we do, ma'am?" Akane looked to her subordinate, who seemed on the edge of terror, then to the rest of the room, all silently watching her. With the coms broadcasting her words, she spoke. [color=red]"Nothing has changed, ladies and gentlemen. Our jobs do not change based on number or size or feasibility. But a few decades ago, taking on one of these GMGs was considered impossible. Now, we, the MFF do the impossible regularly. What is one more impossibility? The commander and I had planned our way out of situations far worse than this. Relax, and have faith in us."[/color] She smiled at those present. Some of them looked cheered, others skeptical, more simply reigned. But the fear gripping their hearts lifted and people returned to their jobs. She returned her attention to the three GMGs displayed on the screen. The two newcomers didn't seem hostile to the MFF, short of self-defense. Yeshua, Akane knew for certain, wasn't. She even admired the girl's self-control after being pelted with missiles. She seemed to have been trying to reason with Goomie, could she be convinced to fight the goo-girl? The other's declaration upon joining the fray also stuck Akane as being against the gooy GMG. Could the pair actually be fighting for humanity? What had gotten through to them? She opened comms. [color=red]"All MFF troops, this is Field Commander Yurei. For the time being, unless acting in self-defense, do not attack the GMG known as 'Terrorkeet', nor the new aqueous GMG. Focus your efforts on keeping yourselves safe, evacuating the human population, and retarding the movement and actions of GMG Goomie. In that order."[/color] This was risky, but if it worked, everything could change. "Evac at 82%."