[@Enkryption] Nah, it's fine. I don't wanna spoil your fun by getting to know future events and plans just because I'm a whiney, narrowminded punk. Though I don't have a problem with spoiling myself on things like anime and other media, it's a different story when it's someone's work who I'm actually directly in contact with. It feels incredibly rude to demand insight into the planned future of another person's work, just because I'm - at the moment - not onboard with the concpt in question. ;( Also, I forgot to mention, but despite me not being a fan of the current Chuunitrixx, I really liked the first, original version of her. :) On a different note entirely; We got news today that the open clinic in our neighbouring area just closed down on account of having had confirmed Corona-victim(s) visit it. Since I work at a grocery store, chances are very high that sick people (knowing or otherwise) will come and shop at my workplace. We've taken the precautions that can be taken, but we can't exactly stop people from buying food... So, yeah, my days are filled with sunshine and rainbows right now. Hopefully people wise up to the seriousness of this virus and stop going outside on their own... But, hey, it's humans we're talking about, so... Yeah... Guess we're screwed. T~T