So right away, he got singled out. Yeah, go figure, right? Fuckin' hell. First off, some fat kid tried to get his attention, forcing Mark to look down at him. Or was that just a coat... no, no, he was definitely chunky as shit. '...hey,' Mark replied sullenly, only to be immediately cut off by- oh goody, turbine douche was loud and way too proud! Seriously, fuck that guy, and fuck his speeches. At least one of the fitter girls pointed out that, yeah, he ranked lower than her. Oh, hang on... didn't he rank lower than [i]Mark[/i], too? He couldn't help but let out a grim chuckle with that realisation, before again getting distracted by... some loud, muscular guy, with lions for hands- okay, what the hell was he trying to say? Something about whether he saw anything up... dare? Dare, dere- oh, "there". If he had the features for it, Mark would have looked genuinely confused. Instead it just looked like more of a grimace than anything. The, uh, actual roaring lions didn't help, either. 'Er, yeah, I did see something, actually. The field.' He folded his lower set of arms, tilting his head as if to say "stupid question". Because it was. 'But I mean, if I saw anything [i]important[/i], which I [i]guess[/i] is whatcha meant, I'd have [i]said[/i] I saw something, man.' Was he being a bit rude? Yes, and furthermore, fuck that guy. He was stressed, he could be given a break.