Leyla’s first instinct had been to draw her guns, confident that her speed and precision would impress the hutt sufficiently but Cleo knew the situation better than she did so she represed the impulse. Instead she licked her top lip lasciviously in the crimelord's direction. The hutts eyes widened slightly in startelement and Cleo turned to see what she had done but by the time he had turned her face was once again pleasantly neutral. “Ho ho ho,” Bogga rumbled, and the crowd of hangers on seemed to relax without noticeably moving. Conversation seemed to resume and the music began once more to pollute the air. Bogga guestured them closer so they could speak with what passed for privacy. Leyal followed Cleo closer to the hutts diaz trying to ignore the smell. She had visited a hutts lair once before, back when she had been a padawan, and it hadn’t one well. “Well I think Jabba will have other things to worry about for the next while,” the corpulent gangster rumbled in Hutesse. He made a gesture to a nearby droid who obediently began projecting a hologram of what appeared to be a luxury space liner of some sort. “Which is why he wont be worrying about what you are going to be stealing from his casino ship,” Bogga explained, his lips splitting into disgusting grin.