[center][hider=She Who Shows The Beauty of Sobek] [img]https://i.imgur.com/eWiodKw.jpg[/img] [h2][color=006400]"I'm gonna fucking rip your head off and feed it to the crocodiles you prissy bitch!"[/color][/h2] [hr] [color=006400]True Name:[/color] Sobekneferu [color=006400]Class:[/color] Caster [color=006400]Gender: "What kind of dumb shit question are you asking the Pharaoh! Do you want me to feed you to the crocodiles you idiotic fucking-!"[/color] [color=006400]Attribute:[/color] Heaven [color=006400]Alignment:[/color] Lawful Neutral [hr] [color=006400]History:[/color] Little is known about Caster's life, not much knowledge about her reign survived the horrific passage of time unfortunately, but what is known is as follows. She was born as Sobekneferu under Amenemhat III, a woman who dedicated her life to Sobek and serving as the Chief Priestess of the Cult of Sobek. When her brother, Amenemhat IV, had no male heirs when he died, Caster took his place as Pharaoh, expanding the labyrinthine Crocodilopolis and becoming the first female Pharaoh in history. She ruled for only 3 years, however those 3 years were some of the most prosperous of the Twelfth Dynasty, the end of the Golden Age of Egypt. She died with no heirs, ending the Twelfth Dynasty and the Golden Age with it. [color=006400]Personality:[/color] As the Pharaoh, Caster was expected to act with a certain poise and dignity when handling her duties. However- [color=006400]"Alright shut the fuck up you shitty fucking cup! Like hell am I gonna let some stupid piece of tableware tell everyone how I'm supposed to be, I'm the fucking Pharaoh! Not only that, but I'm the daughter of fucking Sobek himself, so yeah, I gotta be pretty fucking crass! If I was some prissy fucking bitch, imagine how that would look on Sobek! He would get laughed out of the fucking pantheon! I don't take any shit, I trample over the enemies of the kingdom, and I feed heretics to the fucking crocs! If you've got a problem with that, you can shove it up your ass, dumbass fucking goblet bitch!"[/color] Well. She's outspoken to say the least. [color=006400]"Fuck you!"[/color] [hr] [color=006400]Strength:[/color] D [color=006400]Agility:[/color] D [color=006400]Endurance:[/color] C [color=006400]Mana:[/color] A [color=006400]Luck:[/color] B [hr] [color=006400]Class Skills:[/color] [color=006400]Territory Creation:[/color] A+ As the ruler of all of Egypt and the chief priestess of the Cult of Sobek, Caster can establish a "Temple", boosting the capabilities of allies within greatly and shortening the casting time of all spells utilized by Caster. In addition, Caster can also deploy her Noble Phantasm- "Faiyum Oasis: Crocodilopolis" within her territory, a deadly maze in which the Pharaoh rules supreme. [color=006400]Item Creation:[/color] B Utilizing the Egyptian Magic of Heka, Caster specializes in the creation of gold and jewels to adorn her beloved Petsuchos, powerful one use Magic Items acting as A rank spells. As a Caster, she can produce these jewels at a rapid pace, her most reliable means of attack. [hr] [color=006400]Personal Skills:[/color] [color=006400]Heka:[/color] A The magic of Ancient Egypt, drawing upon the Authority of the God of Magic Heka to enact miracles. Wards, healing and transfiguration are central aspects of Heka, however Caster has slacked slightly on healing to focus more on it's uses for war. More specifically, she focuses on the summoning of Phantasmal Crocodiles and the manipulation of water. [color=006400]Divinity:[/color] B As the Pharaoh, Caster can be considered a god in a sense, posing as the child/incarnation of the god of Warfare and Power, Sobek. In addition to this, she was anointed the chief priestess of the Cult of Sobek from birth, being named "She Who Shows The Beauty of Sobek." It is not inaccurate to say that Caster's words were that of the gods, and all who heard them obeyed. [color=006400]Affections of the Crocodile God:[/color] B An aggressive and militaristic god, Caster was granted the blessings of Sobek from birth, aligning herself with the great crocodile and bringing many sacrifices to him. Caster is granted a + bonus to all stats when submerged in water, in addition she can grow thick scales and sharp teeth to protect herself when forced into close combat. [hr] [h3][color=006400]Faiyum Oasis: Crocodilopolis[/color][/h3] [color=006400]Type:[/color] Labyrinth [color=006400]Rank:[/color] B The great city of Sheddet, the city in which the cult of Sobek situated itself and spread their influence, a great labyrinth originally built by Caster's father, Amenemhat III. Caster's life as the Pharaoh was mostly dedicated to expanding the great Crocodilopolis, deepening the labyrinth further and perfecting it, so much so that the famous Daedalus used the Crocodilopolis as a model when constructing his famous Labyrinth to house Minotauros. Caster's Crocodilopolis is her territory, a labyrinthine temple filled with man eating plants, vast aqueducts, and most importantly, Phantasmal Crocodiles. Dozens upon dozens of Phantasmal Crocodiles, infesting every room of the Crocodilopolis, unsurprisingly. While normally these crocodiles wouldn't be anything special, hardly enough to hurt even the weakest of Servants, within the great Crocodilopolis each beast is equivalent to a Monstrous Beast, a creature of worship that shall not be harmed. [h3][color=006400]Golden Divine [s]Dragon[/s] Crocodile: Petsuchos[/color][/h3] [color=006400]Type:[/color] Anti-Unit/Anti-Army [color=006400]Rank:[/color] A The Cult of Sobek's central figure of worship was a crocodile named Petsuchos. To be exact, a series of crocodiles, a new one being adopted and named Petsuchos with each prior one's death. As a Rider, Caster would be able to summon this mighty crocodile as a Divine Beast, trampling over all in her path. However as a Caster, this Noble Phantasm has become slightly trickier in it's usage. Rather than summoning Petsuchos in all his glory, she can instead "adopt" and designate someone else as Petsuchos, overwriting them as a person and giving them the abilities and statistics of a lesser Petsuchos. These statistics include, Strength B, Agility B, Endurance A, Mana D, and Luck A. All these statistics of course gain a + modifier when submerged in water. On an unrelated note, the person designated as Petsuchos also becomes a hybrid of crocodile and man, because of course her beloved Petsuchos is a crocodile! You should be kissing her fucking feet for granting you the divine form of the crocodile! Or so she says. [/hider] [/center]