Barrel just lied there for a moment and stared at her. He felt his cheeks turn gray as he hoped he didn't just embarrass himself. But Agatha seemed to be okay and wasn't mad, so he relaxed a little and gave her an awkward smile, accompanied with a reassuring pat on the back. Good, things were still going pretty well. Relatively. He quickly cleared his throat. "Um. Sorry." Barrel carefully pushed himself up and shifted to let her down so he could climb into the lair. Now that the trickiest part was over, he felt better about letting her climb in after him on her own. Once inside, Barrel quickly gave the lair a once-over to be sure it was as tidy as it could be. His drums were in their proper spot on the roulette wheel, with Carver's xylophone, Lillith's theremin, and Carmilla's synthesizer in their proper places. The guest couches they kept down here were cleared off, with Lock's guitar in its case and gently leaned against a favored beanbag chair. All of their microphones, cords, and other miscellaneous equipment were properly put away, leaving the lair clear and empty-feeling now that Lock, Shock, and Carver were off doing whatever they were doing tonight. In a way, he was kind of glad Agatha was here. He hated being alone for too long. "So, uh...ready for dinner?" Barrel asked, once Agatha had joined him. [I]Don't forget to apologize[/i], he reminded himself. [I]Just get through this, and everything will be fine[/i].